chapter 47

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Happy reading beautifuls.....

"Hazar dil! Hazar jan!
Sab tujhpy qurbàan!"

Author's p.o.v

All of them had washed their faces and hands while Arsum and Wali were tired enough to get up and started eating just after washing hands.

" Yar who ordered this pasta? Gosh it's so tasty!!!!"
Wali mumbled closing his eyes while chewing on pasta.

"I love the one for this!"
Wali further said and Ayla choked on her morsel.

"Jealous peeps!"
Wali rolled eyes throwing water bottle towards her which she caught while glaring at him.

" She ordered this!"
Samahir elbowed Wali and this was Wali's turn to choke on his breath.

"Kahan se mu kala karwa k ay ho tum dono?"

(From where you got got black faces?)

Just then Haider's voice rang in the lounge.

" From the kitchen!"
Arsum and Wali shouted while rolling eyes.

Rest of them burst into laughter remembering the whole story while their parents were looking at them strangely as if they had grown thorns over their heads.


It was 11 at night when Samahir got free from Esha prayer.

She was riding prayer mat when she noticed that Ali's facial expressions were changing as if he was having pain somewhere.

" Ali!"
Samahir put mat aside and called upon him.

Ali was laying on bed.

He quickly masked his expressions.

" What happened??"
She asked coming towards him.

" Nothing! Why are you asking?"
He said quickly.

" Let me tell you one things Mr. Khan that you may be perfect in everything but you are losser when it comes to lying."
She smiled lightly and put his hair aside from forehead just to peck it lightly.

Ali smiled.

"Well... it's Nothing!"
He sighed.

"Are you having pain somewhere?"
She asked looking directly at him.

Ali blinked away cause it was damn hard for him to lie at her face.

Just then Samahir's eyes landed on his feet and her peace and calmness faded away.

His feet were red and swollen badly.

Ali put his one arm on his eyes and laid back just to sit up with a jolt.

He called upon her astonished.

She was sitting near him on bed while trying to take his feet in her lap.

" Yes??"
She asked while massaging his one foot.

He whined and she realized how painful it was for him.

"No need yar... just leave.."


"Don't touch my feet!!!"
He quickly pulled his feet away from her.

"Why? Don't you come my hair?"

"That's another thing.."
He tried to say something but she interrupted him.

His Heartbeat Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ