chapter 54

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"Ek dujay k bin hum na jee paingy,
Agar bichar jayengy to hum to marjaingy!"

Author's p.o.v

Mahir and Rafey along with their wives were having breakfast while rest of them were done.

Arsum was laying on floor when Ali enetered in lounge.

"What happened Arsum? Did you lose something?"
Ali asked scanning Arsum whose face was beneath sofa.

Arsum said.

"What? Tell me if I ..."

"I lost balance and fell! Thanks for asking!"
Arsum shouted from beneath making Ali's jaw dropped to ground beside him.

"Why did I even ask?"
Ali rolled eyes and kicked Arsum making him whine.

"I lost my way sorry!"
Ali said innocently and jumped on sofa.


"Close your eyes!"
Almir was playing ludo on his phone when  Wali commanded out of blue.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it na!"

" Ok!"
Almir closed his eyes slowly.

"What do you see?"
Wali asked.

"Her face!"
Almir smiled and earned a tight slap from Wali on his shoulder.

"Sasty nashay kam kiya kro! Tell me what you see."
Wali rolled eyes.

" Nothing! Why?"
Almir said making faces.

"That's what you are! Nothing!!!"
Wali shouted.

He couldn't wait for Almir to open his eyes and beat him and ran away.

"U brat!"
Almir also ran after him.

Ali was sitting on wooden chair outside of house when Wali and Arsum sat in front of him on sand.

"Aliiiiu bhaiiiii!!!!!"
They both yelled on his face making few drops of saliva flow to his face.

"What the hell?? What do you guys want?"
Ali said making gross faces while wiping his face with tissue.

"Ask us that if we have 10 pizzas and you take 3 then how much of them will we be left with?"
Arsum said.

"Why? Don't you know the answer? Well.. when it's you two it becomes debatable."
Ali asked and then answer the question himself.

"Come on aasskkkk!!! "
They both shouted simultaneously.

" Ok Ok! If you guys have 10 pizzas and I take 3 then how much you are left with?"

" Nothing!!!"
They again shouted simultaneously.

"Hein? How?"
Ali asked in utter shock. He was not expecting them to be that bad in maths at least.

"Cause we love you so much and..."

"That's why we will give you Everything!"

Wali completed while smiling ear to ear along with Arsum.

"What the fuck..?"
Ali murmured with his mouth touching ground.

"How was it?"
Wali raised brow.

"That was disgusting! Now get out of my sight immediately."
Ali said glaring at them.

"What's happening here? Ali? You are misbehaving  again. Is this a way to say get lost?"
Just Samahir came towards them with her hands on his hips.

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