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Season 3 x6

Barry and Katrina sit at there desks in the CCPD lab, as Julian take a cover off yet another husk that had appeared, "Hey Julian, do you want me to get started on the DNA analysis for you?" Barry asks.
"Why would I need you to do that?" Julian asks.
"I don't know, I just figured we worked so well together last time" Barry says.
Julian scoffs, "What, that I'd want to do it again? One shared case and one shared drink does not make us mates, okay?" he says to him, as he turns away to do his work.

Barry and Katrina then see Cecile entering the lab, "Miss Horton" Barry says to her.
"Mr. Allen, Miss Wayne, Mr. Albert" she says to the three of them.
"Morning" Julian says to her, as she then sees the husk.
Cecile sighs, "New one?" she asks.

"Yes, it's number six, it was found last night" Katrina tells her.
"Well, this should come as a welcome surprise. The two of you have been reassigned to meta-human crime scene investigation full-time" Cecile says passing them the paperwork.

"Full-time?" Julian asks.
"We're pouring all the resources we can into figuring out this husk problem, especially considering the last one turned out to be that evil speedster, The Rival. Any questions, concerns you three direct them to Judge Hankerson, yeah?" she tells them.

"All right, thanks" Katrina says to her, as Cecile turns to leave, and Joe walks in.
"Joe" she smiles at him.
"Cecile" he smiles back.
"Hi" she says.
"I didn't know you were gonna be over her" he says to her, as Barry and Katrina watch them.

"Any excuse I have to run into you, I take it" she says making Joe laugh. "You know, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night" she says.
"So am I" he tells her.
"Yeah?" she asks.
"Yeah" he says back.

"Okay, good, then I, uh, I'll see you then" she says.
"All right" he smiles back at her, as she then leaves.

Barry and Katrina smile at Joe, as they go over to him, "Hey was that, was that what we think it was?" Katrina smiles at him.
"You asked her to movie night with us?" Barry asks him, "that's awesome. When did you do that? How'd you do it?"
"As much as I'd like to gossip with you two like a teenager right now, there's something else we need to talk about. "he says quietly to them.

"What?" Barry asks.
"Wally. He's been having dreams." He tells them.
"Dreams?" Barry asks.
"Saving people, becoming a speedster. He called himself Kid Flash" Joe says.
"Kid Flash, he—he said that name, specifically?" Barry then asks.

"This means he's in trouble, isn't he?" Katrina then asks Barry.
"If Wally's having dreams of being Kid Flash, then he's in trouble, yeah, but don't worry, okay, we'll figure it out. We'll see you later" Barry says to Joe.
"All right" Joe says as he then walks away from them.

Later Katrina goes with Barry to Joe's where they talk to Wally about his time in Flashpoint, "So I did have powers? I was Kid Flash?" Wally asks Barry.
"In Flashpoint, yes" Barry says.
"I knew that this was happening. Why didn't you tell me before?" Wally asks.

"Because..." Barry says.
"Because why?" Wally asks.
"All right, fine, Wally, it, look- in that timeline, you were fighting The Rival." Barry says.
"Edward Clariss?" Iris asks.
"Edward Clariss, yeah. You couldn't stop him. There was no STAR Labs, there was no team to help you. It was just you and Iris. The two of you were a brother-sister superhero crime-fighting team. Kat had no powers, but she was the Blue Sparrow she helped you two out." Barry says as he looks at Katrina.

"Why didn't you tell us any of this before?" she asks him.
"You didn't want to know about your Flashpoint lives. But look, listen to me, you got hurt, all right? You got hurt bad." Barry explains.
"So what? That's that me, it's not this me. And I want to be a speedster. I—I want to be a flash." Wally says.
"No, no, no, you don't" Joe says to him.

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