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Lacey walked into the bedroom and looked to Tom as he lay in bed, he looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and nodded

"did you mean what you said other finding him. I know he's our soon and we gave him away but you remember why don't you. I was only sixteen when you got me pregnant" Lacey said as he nodded

"and I was married to Lorna. But you weren't my pupil and I know when you got here we pretended we didn't know each other but there was a time we were in love. We are again. I am not saying we get him back but we lost our baby and I thought if we tracked down the baby that we gave up and saw he was okay then it could help in a way" Tom said as she sat on the bed next to him.

She looked to him snd smiled as he leant in and kissed him "I don't want us to get our hopes up and I thought when I am feeling better that we could try again. Not yet but soon" Lacey said as Tom smiled

"if it is what you want. We can do that but give it some time" he said as she smiled. She rested her head into his chest and smiled as he held her close  
Lacey got to work and smirked as she saw Alexis. She looked to her sister and smiled

"hey, are you okay. I hear you and mum have been arguing" Lacey said as Alexis smiled

"it's okay. She is just unbearable at times. She found out I am pregnant and I don't know what to do" Alexis said as Lacey smiled

"it's okay. I know that your head is a mess but this is your decision, it is your body and don't let her talk you into anything that you don't want to do" Lacey said as Alexis nodded

"how did you do it, give your baby up" Alexis asked as Lacey sighed

"I don't know. It's a mess. But I had to think of what was best for me and the baby. I remember holding him and thinking I can't do this. But then I loved the parents I picked and I wanted what was best for him. You don't need do what I did.  You don't have to give up your baby, you have to do what is best for you" Lacey said as Alexis smiled

"i know your confused but it's not an easy decision" Lacey said as Alexis smiled.

Lacey knew that her sister was struggling and she wanted to be there for her but she knew had to be there for her and support her through whatever she decided to do

Lacey smiled as she walked into toms classroom.

"Hey, you look happy" he said as she smiled

"i am. I thought we could use a distraction" she said as she sat on his desk, he looked to her and smirked as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately

"what do you have in mind" he asked as he smirked

"oh I think you know what I am saying" he said as she smirked. Lacey moaned as he ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her close as she undid his belt as he pulled her close and pushed into her

Lacey moaned in contact as he started to move in and out of her. Lacey knew she was trying to be strong but she had no idea how hard things were about to become

Wanting my boss (Waterloo road)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz