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Lacey woke up and frowned. She felt wet and she didn't like it. Lacey sat up as she realised that she was sitting in a pool of blood. Lacey felt sick and she was scared

"mum" Lacey yelled as Rachel ran into the room and frowned as she looked to Lacey and saw the blood "I'm scared" Lacey said as Rachel frowned

"we need to get you to hospital now" Rachel said as Lacey looked to her and nodded. Lacey was scared as she knew that she had been under a lot of stress but she was more scared for her baby. She was scared that she was loosing her baby and she knew that she couldn't loose her baby.

She knew that everything that had happened with her and Tom that it was a mess but she wanted her baby. Lacey was scared as she didn't want to lose her baby. Lacey stood from the end. She could feel the tears in her eyes as Rachel Looked to her and smiled "it's going to be oaky" Rachel said as Lacey felt the tears roll down laceys face.

Lacey knew what was happening and it terrified her "you need to stay strong, I know what it look likes but there might be a chance. We are going to get you to hospital and I am not leaving your side" Rachel said as Lacey nodded

Lacey sat in the hospital. She was scared and she was bleeding and she was worried that she was loosing her baby. Lacey sat on the end as a nurse came in and looked to her.

Rachel took a hold of her hand as the nurse went to do a sonogram. Lacey rested her head back as she waited and waited as she eased nothing "I'm so sorry, there's no heartbeat" the nurse said as Lacey sobbed.

Lacey was hurt and so felt so alone. Lacey rested her head back as she started to cry "I'll give you a minute" the nurse said as Rachel sat next to Lacey and pulled her into a hug

"I'm so sorry" Rachel said as Lacey sobbed. Lacey hated it, her baby was gone and there was nothing that she could do to bring it back. Lacey knew that she had been under a lot of stress lately with Tom.

She never thought that she would actually loose her baby, all that Lacey wanted was to be a mum and now she had lost her chance.

Lacey knew that her baby was gone and that all she wanted right now was Tom. She knew that it was also his baby that was gone and that they were never going to get their baby back

Lacey lay on the sofa as she got home. Tom knocked on the door as Rachel answered the door and frowned as she looked to Tom

"I don't think she wants to see you" Rachel said

"it's okay, let him in" Lacey said as Rachel nodded. Tom walked in and Rachel looked to him

"don't mess her about, I'm off to pick your sister up I'll see you in a bit" Rachel said as Lacey sat up from where she was lying and sighed to herself as she looked to Tom and smiled. He sat next to her as she rested her head on his chest "this is my fault I put you under of stress and pressure and you lost the baby" Tom said as Lacey rested her head on his shoulder and smiled

"this isn't your fault it just happened, besides I lost your baby too" Lacey said as Tom smiled as he sat back on the sofa, he pulled Lacey close onto his chest and smiled.

Tom was heartbroken that Lacey had lost their baby but he knew he didn't want to loose her and what they had. He hoped that they could make things work with them somehow, she was the one that he wanted.

Tom looked as Alexis walked in. Lacey was asleep next to him "what are you doing here?" She asked

"I'm here for Lacey, she lost our baby"

"that baby was better off without you, if my sister knew what you were doing to me, she's see that" Alexis saiid as Tom looked to her and glared

"I'd be careful what I'd say if I were you, I am going to make it work with Lacey and if you come between us well I'll tell mummy all about you and max Tyler and she won't let that" Tom said as Alexis frowned not knowing how to deal with the fact Tom clarkson was blackmailing her

Wanting my boss (Waterloo road)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ