:: Chapter 5 :: The big red Train

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The day that marked the start of his school year, Harry was up and getting ready way before his dad was even up, they didn't have to be there till 10am, but here he was at 6am. Already showered, stuffing his trunk with more then what's needed. Angus watching sleepily form his pillows, Hedwig sleeping through his nervousness.

When he didn't have anything else to do, his eyes floated around his room, till they landed on his desk where his blood test paper was. At least a copy. The original stayed at Gringotts. Walking over he picked it up and went back to his bed. His eyes landing on the parents part. He wondered who his birth parents were like.

Percy, his Dad now, gave him a photo of him and his adoptive parents. He guessed he adopted Lily's eyes. He didn't know what to think. It looked like they loved him, but what did that mean for his birth parents? Did they not want him?

His chest felt constricted as he thought that. He was probably right. His adoptive parents at least loved him enough to practically sacrifice themselves for him...that hurt to though. He wondered what it would have been like with them...would he have ever met Percy?

Shaking his head, he suddenly felt dread for his new magical school. Before he could start to panic about it, Angus was here making cute noises and snuggling into him.

Happily he picked the puffskein up and held it close to him, a smile coming to his face as he relaxed. He would be fine, he had his Dad. He had Percy.


Speaking of the god, he was sleeping until a large weight crashed into his middle making him groan as he opened his eyes to see his son on his stomach. He closed his eyes again as he sighed in defeat.

"Daaad! Cmon! Wake up, we have a busy day today!" Harry said as he started to shake his father vigorously to wake him up more.

"Mmamegnd." Percy mumbled as he stuffed a pillow into his face, ignoring the tugs from Harry to remove it from his face .

Pulling at it, Harry whined. "Dad! Come on! Your trunk isn't even filled yet, you haven't finished packing, and it's 9am!"

With that Harry flew back onto his back on his fathers legs as Percy scrambled for his phone. "Shite!!" He yelped and flung his blanket over a now very disheveled Harry as he started grabbing clothes to wear.

Harry laughed as he untangled from the blankets to watch his dad rush around the room, stuff floating into his fathers trunk easily.

"Oi, did you eat yet?" Percy asks as he came out of his closet, dodging a pair of his boxers as he hopped around trying to get his shoes on.

"No. I was waiting for you." Harry laughed again as his father tripped over the nightshirt he had thrown to the ground in his hurry. He smiled at Percy when he righted himself and gave him a warning glare, all play though.

Harry's eyes wondered until he spotted the strip of blue in his Dads hair. "WHEN DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR?!?!" He screamed making his father whip around with his almighty and legendary sword riptide in shock.

"Oh, you remember how you said something about dying my hair blue? Well I did, to my white streak, it looks good doesn't it?" He pocketed his sword pen and twirled the piece of hair as Harry gapes open mouthed at him.

"I knew I shouldn't have said that..." Harry sighed before suddenly his father slapped a hand to his own face. "Dad what the hades?"

Percy removed his hand and ignored the stinging to give his son a reprimanding look. "Don't use Hades as a curse word, it gives your great-Uncle a headache. Secondly, I forgot that I could just snap-" his things were suddenly no where from the air they were a second ago. "-my things into my trunk." His trunk now in his hands miniaturized.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now