:: Chapter 11 :: Summer One

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The moment school had ended, Harry was excited, he had invited all of his friends to come over when ever they wished. Giving out his address freely. To those he trusted, he though reluctantly let Snape have his address, for multiple reasons.

It was boring for the first week, or three. Because Harry wasn't allowed to use magic outside of school, except for when his dad was around to supervise. Otherwise he'd be practicing none stop. But considering his dad is swapped with paperwork as soon as they got home, nearly half his office was covered in magical and godly documents he had to sign or look over. Cause even he has a godly duty to do since he turned into one.

Mainly it was papers from camp, being the god that looks over it now. though Dionysus is still there to watch over the kids left or new. Though rare were there new kids into camp now a days. His other domains, remained even secret from Harry. Then there was the muggle, and wizardry ones. much less work considering he did most of it at school. He had some stores and aquariums in his name, so he had to look over those. Then the many lordships he himself had, and that Harry has. He would be passing all that paperwork to Harry when he was 17, magical majority and all.

Sighing Harry sat up from the couch he was laying on when he found himself getting the munchies from the boredom. Getting up he walked into the kitchen to look through the fridge, and inside was some soggy looking strawberries, probably unsuitable to eat from the looks of them. Lettuce, milk and juice along with condiments. So practically nothing he wanted to eat, he checked the pantry only finding cereal and dust. They hadn't gone shopping for the most part, and usually his Dad would make something appear or the ingredients.  

Harry then decided to go see if he could bother his dad. He walked to his office and peaked in to see his father reading a letter, with an owl perched just behind his head, as if snooping at the letter but really just looking out at the window that was open. Obviously it needed a reply to take back. Walking in he smiled when his father didn't look up from reading and summoned a chair for him to sit on as usually he had them put away less for company, that never really came. Bronx was on his lap with Chester purring as it licked the tiny niffler clean. 

"So you got a letter, from who?" he asked as he brought his knees to his chest. 

"Hm? From Draco's father, Lucius, they want to meet us, as well as get to know who I am before they let Draco come over. Apparently he has been begging to come over ever since he got home." He chuckled as he summoned paper and a pen to write a reply. "I don't think he knows who we are considering the last time I saw Draco's parents, they seemed very taken back that I had you."

Harry's eyes lit up at the prospect of seeing Draco. "Really? When?" Totally ignoring the rest of what his Dad just said making the immortal roll his eyes.

"This weekend, if your room is clean." He peered over to see Harry already running out to clean his room making him chuckle and go back to the never ending paperwork it seemed. giving the letter to the owl along with a treat, and it was off.


Percy's eyes watched his son bounce in his steps slightly but he seemed to try to calm himself and stay 'unexcited' he smiled to himself as he patted his sons head and in turn a sleeping Angus nestled into his sons unruly hair. He was looking at his phone when someone said his name closly behind him making him jump. "Severus!" he yelped at the man with a glare as he fumbled for his phone nearly having dropped it from the scare. 

The man only smirked as he helped righted his friend. "You seem particularly jumpy today." he drawled making Percy glower even more as he bushed and looked away. 

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now