:: Chapter 13 :: Chambers Of Secrets

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Of Course, things started to go south. Their peaceful tranquility broken by the sudden petrifying of people with a bloody message made from Filch's cat Mrs. Norris saying the chambers of something or another had opened. Harry was immediately being pointed to as the person who had done it seeing as he was the one to find Mrs. Norris after having helped his father grade papers.

So being avoided by anyone but his friends began. Daphne told anyone off along with Blaise, Neville and Hermione comforted him when he felt down about it and Draco stuck to his side like glue to keep Ronald Weasley off his back. As the Red head seemed to attack him about it every once in awhile whenever he could. Though never in the presence of his older twin brothers.

Percy had caused a scene with Filch when he had wanted to punish Harry for his cats petrifaction, but Percy wouldn't allow it as he knew his son was innocent. He absolutely tore him a new one as well as any other teacher who even tried to get harry to 'confess'. And lets not forget when he stared down Dumbledore for even suggesting to put Harry under potion, Veritaserum, to see about a confession. But it was illegal to do to a child in the first place. Severus backing him up as Harry was not only one of his snakes, but also his friends son.

Not only that, but Percy had started to have Harry stay in his personal dorms considering even some of the Slytherins didn't like him being there, mostly first years and some other second years, but Harry hated being there with them.

When Dumbledore started to push Percy to allow for the partaking of the potion, was when Percy started to be suspicious of the man before them. The supposed grandfatherly old man, seemed more vile and malicious then Percy originally thought. Not only by the basic gut feeling he got, as well as his godly powers, But because the man tried to sway him with Legilmency. Illegal in the wizarding realm, but he couldn't report it, as who would believe him? He was nobody in the wizarding world, and Dumbledore had many roots so deeply ingrained he was afraid if he started cutting it would only make them more solidly linked underground. Making him look bad.

Sighing Percy leaned back in his own space, right now he was lounging in his lounge area, a cup of coco on the coffee table most likely cold from sitting so long. but he could heat it easily, but his mind was preoccupied. Biting his lower lip, he sat up as he had a sudden thought come across his mind. Quickly summoning some paper, he wrote out what he needed and quickly sent it off to Hermes. He was hoping for it to be as quick as he thought it should be but then again he wasn't sure of when his response would get back to him as fast as he wanted.

"Dad?" he heard the sleepy voice of Harry's and found himself turning to see his son rubbing at his eyes, in the doorway of the bedroom. "What are you doing up?" He asked as yawned and walked over. Sitting beside his father before snuggling into his side.

"Well, just thinking is all, what are you doing up?" He asks as he gets a blanket and some coco to give to him, wrapping him up as he took his first sip.

"Nightmare...." They didn't say anything for a moment. "About the Dursleys..." Percy hugged him close and kissed the top of his head. "I was living with them again for some reason, I think I was older, but I was saved by the twins and Draco. But you were...you weren't there, like you disappeared...That's what made me wake up and find you."

"I'm not going anywhere, never. Okay?" He made a teary Harry look up at him. "Never ever, I will always be by you. Always." Harry nodded before putting his head to his fathers chest and let go a few tears, but ultimately felt a lot better.


"Okay so, if we want to clear Harry's name, we're going to have to figure out who's actually behind all of this." Hermione said one day as they were eating Lunch in Percy's classroom, at the moment, The professor and father was getting Severus out of his dungeon to eat as he was getting potions and ingredients ready for petrified students.

Harry Potter, adopted son of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now