32 - Roulette

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Sofia pulled the rental car up in front of the casino. The vast properties owned by Whitby amazed her.

A valet appeared. "Miss, are you checking in?"

"Yes. Thank you."

She stepped out and stretched after the long drive. She spent too much time thinking of dancing with Monty. If only she belonged in his arms.

"We'll bring your luggage to your room."

She liked the service and would have to make a note. She entered the glamorous lobby with gold accents and a large crystal chandelier.

When she tried to check in, she was told Mr. Hoffman had already checked in. She wondered why Gray was checking up on her.

"He did?"

"Yes, I believe he said he'd be at a roulette table."

She smiled, imagining the large man intimidating the other players. She stepped into the casino and experienced sensory overload. The lights and sounds were like the midway at the arcade. Scanning table after table, her eyes stopped when they met the caramel pair she had thought about all day.

She watched as he lifted a glass to his mouth. In the year she'd known him, she learned he only drank when upset. Gray went to great lengths to stop him. She didn't bother to look around. Mr. Hoffman may have checked in, but he wasn't in Las Vegas. If he were, Monty wouldn't be drinking. Obviously, her cover would be blown if he had checked in as Montgomery Whitby. It was just like when Gray made dinner reservations.

Sofia wanted to tell him she knew Trista Montgomery's identity but feared he would freak out. Holding her head high, she walked across the room in one of Sage's discarded dresses like the model she wanted to be.

He smiled at her. "I'm glad you made it. Surprise!"

She took his glass and took a sip, foolishly thinking it would be less for him to drink. It burned going down her throat.

"How long have you been here?"

"An hour or two."

It was then she noticed the pile of chips in front of him. If those were his winnings, he would soon attract unwanted attention.

She leaned into his ear, taking in his amazing scent mixed with scotch. He wore a tight tee with his tattoo showing. "I'm starving. Come, eat with me."

"One more."

He put a pile of chips on number fourteen. Sofia found it odd he picked her birthday. As if the goddess of luck was on his shoulder, the wheel stopped on fourteen.

He smiled. "You're lucky, beautiful."

Her belly flipped at his words. "How many drinks have you had?"

"Not as many as I want."

"Come on. I'm not going to punch you, but you can tell me what's bothering you, triste. Bring your loot. You can cash it later."

He didn't fight her as she led him to the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors shut, he laced his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. His hot breath on her neck sent waves through her body.

"You are so beautiful."

As much as she had dreamed about an elevator scene, she knew it was a fantasy. "You're drunk."

"I'm buzzed but not drunk."

She felt the length of his muscular body against her. Her knees wobbled as she watched the numbers climb towards the twentieth floor.

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