33 - Vegas

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Monty could spend every minute burrowed inside of Sofia. He hadn't wanted a woman since Sloane, and he didn't want to compare her to Sofia. He didn't want to think about what they were doing. It just felt right.

Did her discovering Trista surprise him? The woman was smart. He saw her intelligence in her reports. Monty hardly changed anything she wrote, and he was the professional writer.

Once again she rubbed his chest. He imagined the warmth of her hand healing his fractured heart like voodoo medicine.

She said, "I can't write a report from this room."

"The bed is comfortable. The linens are clean, or at least they were before the sex marathon."

"Marathons are more than three times."

"Who said I'm done? How about food? A walk around and then a continuation."

Sofia kissed his chest, and he felt it fuse together. "I need a shower."

"I can join you."

"No, no, no. You can take a speedy shower alone."

Her laughter echoed in his chest. He had been doing sex wrong for years. Pretty Woman was right, kissing was personal, but it enhanced the entire experience. With all the women he had, it was about the release. Sure, he took care of their needs, but he never felt a closeness. Maybe it was different because Sofia was his friend. Hopefully, they hadn't ruined their friendship.

Monty's phone rang. He was tempted to ignore it. It couldn't be his father because he ate at seven sharp. Except after the scene he witnessed, he doubted his father stayed at the house. Monty should have realized the reason the old man made use of his in town apartment so often.

Looking at the display, he didn't know she had his phone number.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not drunk."

"I can't believe your father and her. Your poor mother."

His mother was far from poor. She was only embarrassed.

"None of this is new for him."

"The only winner is Trey. He finally left Jessica. Seriously, the man shocked us all."

"She told me he was forcing her to stay married, he implied the opposite."

"It had to be the opposite. He has a daughter, according to Tori, an entire life that he's been hiding."


"A woman he wants to marry."


"His family met her, Tori too."

"Good for him."

"I was worried about you."

"I'm fine. Nothing Sin City can't cure."


"I'm working for the old man."

"I thought you didn't work."

"Ask him."

"I can't look at him."

"Join the club. Really, I'm fine now I'm out of town. Thanks for calling."

Showered and dressed, they ventured down to the hotel restaurant. It felt like a date. When Sofia ordered iced tea, he had forgotten being hell bent on getting drunk. Numb was the last thing he wanted to feel with a beautiful dark eyed vixen in his bed.

The scene with his father still weighed heavily on his mind. The man was adamant on marrying him off. He imagined a marriage like Trey and Jessica's or Ted and Elaine's. He couldn't guess who his father had in mind. Not Tori.

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