38 - Gossip

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Sofia stepped onto the sidewalk and waited. The January air was frosty. She listened to two warnings about vehicles being towed and unattended luggage, before she saw the familiar car. She felt disappointed to see Gray behind the wheel. After four days away, she missed Monty.

Their marriage arrangement had only caused her to fall more in love with him. She felt guilty for abandoning him on Christmas. She celebrated with her family and he spent another party alone. One Christmas Day, he stayed home alone, refusing to take part in his parents' charade.

She slid into the front seat. "Hi."

"How was your trip?"

"Fine. How's things here?"

"Good. He's meeting with Austin. They're going over edits."

Sofia nodded. "How are you?"

"Good. I'm single again."

"Why? I thought you liked her."

"Nope. Not enough."

Sofia felt churning. "Do you think he'll ever love me enough?"

"You need to ask him."

"I can't." Her belly felt sick thinking about it.

"I don't understand. You want true love, but you keep your marriage hidden."

"I know. I know."

"Tell him. If he loves you back, you need to tell your family. If he doesn't, then get your annulment."

What he said made sense, but she was setting herself up for heartbreak. She wasn't ready to lose him.

At home, Monty sat next to a middle age man. He stood and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. Warmth spread through her as he whispered. "I missed you."

She disappeared upstairs and showered the airplane stink off her. In their large bedroom was a fireplace and sitting area. She switched on the gas log and stared at the flickering flame. She should have been finishing her last report but felt melancholy. The talk in the car reminded her that fairy tales aren't real and princes don't fall in love with servants.

Her phone rang. It was Katie. She let it go to voicemail. Katie had invited her to her apartment to meet Samantha. The women were both normal people who married two men from Monty's world. Technically, Sam wasn't married because her guy wasn't divorced. Katie had been married for two years before Tom's family found out about her. Sam was with Trey even longer.

When they shared their stories, Sofia said nothing. What kind of friend lies? She did. She was lying to everyone, her family, her friends, and Monty.

Katie put her son on the floor. Little Quinn wandered around handing his toys to each of them like gifts. Sofia had a pile of toys next to her.

"She likes you," Sam said.

"Sofia is wonderful with babies. She could help you."

"Trey has talked about hiring help."

Sofia smiled. "I have a job. I'm a personal assistant and travel a lot."

Katie said, "But you aren't working today."

"My hours are flexible."

"I wish mine were. I'm off today because it's a holiday. I like my job, but I won't go back after the babies. I never expected twins when I threw away my pills."

"But he was married." Sofia didn't understand.

"I know I wanted to force his hand. I was jealous because his brother had a son."

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