46 - One year later

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One year later...

Monty's fingertips danced over Sofia's smooth skin on the inside of her arm from her wrist upward. He loved the way she instantly broke out in goosebumps. They had taken her parents to dinner at their favorite restaurant in East Boston. The hype after Trista's review had died down. His in-law had accepted him, but they didn't like Trista Montgomery. That fact was reason alone to keep his identity a mystery.

The world tour book had skyrocketed to number one on the New York Times bestsellers list. He thought it was ironic how his books often competed with the latest diet fad. He had a long talk with Oliver and Austin. Both agreed to let him set the pace. Some of his reasons were personal, but mostly he didn't want to become careless and leak his identity. Trista wouldn't survive a reveal.

Sofia's fingers were busy, and he resisted the urge to pin her underneath him. His pulse quickened as he thought of their future. Sofia had stopped the pill. Maybe this would be their lucky night.

His phone buzzed on the nightstand. Gray was home safe, once again between women. He ignored it. Who called at eleven-fifteen at night?

Sofia sat up. "It must be important."

He sighed. It had better be. Frowning, he answered. "Mother."

"It's your father. He's in the hospital."

"What?" The old man was invincible. He had been riding Monty harder than ever and had refused to meet Sofia.

"I'll come." He didn't bother to analyze his motivation for offering to go. Family obligation ran deeper than he cared to admit. He turned to Sofia. "Something's happened to my father."

His wife looked flushed with the arousal which he wouldn't be able to satisfy for her. His mother's call was as efficient as an ice-cold shower for him. He ran his fingers along her cheek before he stood.

"I have to go to Beth Israel."

"Let me come with you."

He froze. "You want to?"

"I want to support you. It's my job."

He paused. His mother and Sofia had a cordial relationship. Unfortunately, he had told Sofia about the pain his mother caused. She always stood up for him, unless they disagreed about something. Then she was hot, fiery and sexy. He typically argued enough to get hard, then he gave in to her in exchange for incredible makeup sex. He had gotten the hang of being a husband.

"It might be a long night."

The drive to the hospital was quick, especially so late at night. Gray dropped them at the emergency entrance.

"Just text me."

"Go home. It could be awhile."

They waited to speak to the person at the window, only to be told to have a seat. Monty wasn't good at sitting in the best of times. Eventually, his mother appeared. Her face was drawn, but his father had that effect.

She sat next to them and sighed. "He had a stroke. His date found him, but no one knows when it happened."

Monty remembered something odd. "He left the office the same time as me, which was early for him. He said I gave him a headache. I didn't pay attention to him. I try to ignore him."

Monty worked in the office two days a week. He found some projects he enjoyed, but he didn't listen when the old man threatened him.

"That means it could have been five hours."

"Who was it?"

"A nobody. She's younger than you, but knew enough to call me."

He didn't want to know who knew his mother and slept with the old man.

Jessica had disappeared after her firm heard rumors about her affair with their biggest client. Monty suspected his mother started them. No one missed her, certainly not Trey who was happy with his wife and children.

Sofia asked, "How bad is he?"

Celia shrugged. "It's too soon to tell." She put her hand on Monty's arm. "Go see him and then you should go home. Once he's in a room, I'll leave too."

Sofia said, "We can stay with you."

Monty wanted to glare at his wife, but her big heart was the reason he loved her. Instead, he followed his mother through a door into a hub of activity. Medical staff were walking around with purpose.

He entered a room and stopped short. His father looked ghostly white and frail in the bed. He had an IV hooked up to him and other wires. His eyes were closed.

Monty whispered, "Is he asleep?"

A nurse came in and with a cheerful voice said, "Talk to him."

Hesitantly, he stepped forward. "Father. It's me, Monty. I came to see you. Mother is here. Your wife."

He sounded pathetic, but he had to dig deep for any affection for the man.

A doctor came in the room and his mother said, "Monty, you know Noah."

The doctor looked familiar. "I'm Aidan and Mia's brother-in-law."

"Right. So how is he?"

Noah looked at his father. "Too soon to tell. There's a room ready in the ICU."

Just as he finished speaking, staff in scrubs came to move him to another floor.

His mother turned to him. "You should go. He isn't even awake."

"What about you?"

"I have a car waiting. I'm fine."

He paused a moment. "You don't owe him anything."

"Life is complicated."

It was, but his father had made his own bed and he was lying in it. Monty was ready to go home to bed. Sofia stood up when she saw him.

"He was asleep. He looks so old." He always looked old, but he never looked frail before. "It's hard to believe he insulted me twelve hours ago." He always criticized him.

Over the next few days, answers came slowly. Monty sat beside his mother across from the specialist. He listened as he explained the extent of the paralysis in his father's right side. He could not speak or move the right side of his body.

"We have seen no improvement, but with rehabilitation, he may recover. I say that with extreme caution."

Monty didn't know what to feel as the social worker talked about the rehab facility. After years of listening to his father's hateful words, he was glad they stopped. Seeing his father a prisoner in his own body was difficult.

Six months later...

Monty stepped out of the boardroom. He still hadn't gotten used to people looking towards him for answers. He received his advice from the chief operating officer who he trusted.

Montgomery Whitby had shown little improvement and lived at home with full-time nursing care. Celia continued to run the foundation and socialize with friends. Monty visited once a week. He liked to tell the old man all the changes he was planning for the company. He left it to the executives he hired to run the business.

He was eager to get home. He still loved to travel, but in the past traveling allowed him to run away. With Sofia, he had no reason to run. She was his home.

Gray was in the kitchen. He rolled his eyes. "Good luck. She's in a mood."

Monty entered their bedroom with his tie in his hand. "Hi, beautiful."

"Don't lie."

He laughed. She glowed even with her pout.

She lifted her shirt. "Look what you did."

She had on her ripped jeans, but the button was undone. A very small belly had formed.

He smiled. "You are beautiful. Like a Madonna in a museum. Come, let me kiss you until you feel better." Her frown turned right side up. His mouth met hers. "We could let the oaf cook while I kiss my baby."

"No, I'm finally hungry. Make me risotto and lemon chicken."

He smiled. "Anything for you."

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