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Axel spent most of that time with Stella. Unashamedly, he had been following her around like a lost puppy- much like Marli, so that made two of them.

But he didn't regret it. Not one bit.

Throughout that time, he realized that Stella didn't know a lot about things that were seemingly ordinary to them.

While it would have seemed shocking to a lot of people, he supposed the verified 'she's-an-actual-angel' theory, was a fair enough reason for it.

The pinnacle of this realization came to him when a very amused Bea woke him up one morning- and led him to a very annoyed Stella, who was angrily cursing at the toaster, in what he assumed was Latin- because she couldn't seem to figure out how to work it.

It was funny. 

And endearing. Very endearing.

He didn't say that out loud, however, because the teasing smile on Bea's face looked particularly smack-able that morning- so he opted to smack that stupid grin right off her face with a book instead.

There were a lot of things Stella didn't know. She didn't know what chocolate tasted like, neither did she know what Cotton Candy was, nor Icecream-

Axel figured he had his work cut out for him.

"This is Cotton Candy?" Stella eyes the pink fluff in front of her cautiously, poking it for a second.

"Mhmm," Axel confirms, stuffing half of his into his mouth in one go, "Go on, try it- it tastes like a cloud."

Stella wrinkles her nose, leaning away from it as she turns to him. "I flew through a cloud once, and accidentally ended up tasting it. It was terrible."

"Stella, no-"

While getting her to try the 'exquisite dishes of the earthlings', as she so eloquently put it, there were other things he was slowly coming notice.

He noticed how plants around her would look livelier- noticeably leaning towards her when she was near but drooping when she had passed. He noticed how the twittering of birds got evidently chirpier around her, and the butterflies that were always coincidentally fluttering around her hair, and at her fingertips.

He noticed how the sunshine gold in her hair tumbled in loose waves and curls way past her shoulder, looking coppery with a reddish tint- in the rays of the sun, he noticed how her green- and grey? eyes lit up with happiness every time they tried something new, and he noticed one small dimple on her left cheek every time she smiled.

He also noticed that he enjoyed the feeling of her dainty fingers gently clasped in his every time he took her out, he noticed how her eyes would constantly flicker to his in hope and expectation- almost as if she wanted his reassurance in all the things she did, and he noticed how every part of him seemed to spontaneously combust and melt every time she smiled at him.

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