29 | dawn

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D E A R  S T E L L A,

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D E A R  S T E L L A,

I'd like to think that in some ways, what we had was like a fairy-tale.

But in our story, Cinderella was an angel. And instead of a glass slipper, she left a feather from her wings behind.

The prince didn't save the princess. The prince was the one that needed saving.

And even when the time came, he couldn't save her.

As abrupt as it was, that brought us to the end of our fairy-tale. I think it's fitting, that I call it dawn. Most fairy-tales would begin at the break of dawn, a hero riding away on his valiant steed into the sunrise--- but not ours.

Ours began under the night sky, full of glittering stars.

It began when you saved me, and you promised to never leave. It's only natural that I call the end of this dawn, because to us little earthlings- as you would put it- it is our sun that washes away the night sky with its soft rays.

I know it sounds stupid. It sounds silly, so silly- to have such strong feelings for someone you knew for a few weeks.

But I've always believed in soulmates.

And I allowed myself to hope, to believe, that you could have been mine.

There has to be someone out there, anyone- that came from the same ancient stardust that made mine, to make me feel- more intensely than I've ever felt before, to actually feel the stardust in my bones thrum in recognition, when I meet them.

When I looked at you- at the stars in your eyes, in your smile, and in your hair of sunshine gold, I caught glimpses of it.

Like a distant memory of someone I had always known- the way stars never forget everything that their elements birthed.

It's extraordinary, how it all works, really.

The universe was created fourteen billion years ago, the galaxies were set into motion, the stars and their little planets set into orbit- only for our stories written in the stars to collide.

You told me that we were all little travelers. On our own little cosmic journeys, hurtling towards the edge of our times- and our paths seemed to cross, is all.

And I remember telling you, that that was what made it treasured.

Because when our paths crossed, we stopped for a moment- like travelers on a break from eternity, and in that brief time I knew you - to me, you were like the sun. A blazing star.

You were my sun, and I a part of your little stellar system. The center of my little universe, with everything revolving around you.

I might've been a merry little comet, hurtling through space- or a passing asteroid, just content with basking in your heat from a distance, or even a simple planet.

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