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How could she not?

Her eyebrows furrow at his familiar appearance, and a large part of her isn't even sure of what she's feeling right now- as a pair of crimson eyes peer into hers, almost like he was waiting for her acknowledgment.

What was the feeling bubbling up inside her?

A combination of shock? Disbelief?


Her grip on the hilt of her dagger tightens, almost to a painful degree as she lifts it- the sharp pointed tip in the direction of the intruder who had made his presence known.

And when she speaks, the dull thrum of energy that ripples across the room from her body doesn't go unnoticed by anyone.

"Lucien," she says quietly, her voice quivering, "Why are your eyes red?"

The angel in front of her simply raises an eyebrow, almost mockingly.

It was common knowledge, that when an angel descended, their eyes morphed into something they loved the most about the planet.

For a few moments, Stella can't seem to figure out where she's seen the distinct shade of crimson that swirl in his eyes. Gleaming, but dark, and red, and unforgiving, like-

"Blood," she says, almost to herself, her grip on her dagger tightening till her knuckles turned white, "Lucien, why are your eyes the color of blood?"

"Stella," his voice is the familiar condescending drawl that she had always known- always thought she had known, "I believe the answer to that question is obvious. Now, step away from the humans."

"You know him?" she can hear Axel murmur from behind her, and even without looking, she can tell that they're all extra cautious even though their weapons aren't drawn.

"I do," Stella says quietly, her eyes never wavering from Lucien's, "At least I thought I did."

Lucien rolls his eyes with a sigh as if she was the one causing an inconvenience.

"Are you going to answer the question, or not?" Stella says, taking a step closer to him, with her weapon still drawn. "Why are your eyes red?"

"I am the angel of wars, Stella," he drawls out waving a hand in the air, "What did you think I would love the most about the earth?"

"Spilling blood?" Stella grits out quietly, "That's what you love? What kind of sadistic blasphemy is that?"

Lucien's eyes narrow in on hers, almost threateningly.

"Do not question me," he says darkly, "I have my reasons."

"Reasons?" she scoffs, narrowing her eyes back at him, "What reasons can possibly justify that?"

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