Part 1 || acquaintances

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Y/N: "Mina! Why did you do that?! I'm so embarrassed now" I placed my hand on my forehead trying to calm myself down from what just happened

Mina: "oh come on! He was cute! All we did was say that he was attractive. And anyway it's been 4 years since you had a boyfriend, you should try dating again" my best friend nudged my arm. I sighed


Boyfriend: "hey babe can you hand me that" he pointed at the bottle of beer

Y/N: "here you go" I gave it to him lazily and he just grabbed it without thanking me

Boyfriend: "what are you still doing here? Can't you see I'm still playing?" I teared up at his words, how can he say that so easily? I rushed to my room to just be alone

<flashback ends>

Y/N: "I'm good Mina, I don't want what happened to happen again"

Mina: "I did warn you against him anyway, he was a jerk for treating you like that!" I sadly smiled

Y/N: "yeah, 4th year highschool was quite the ride huh?"

Mina: "remember when that guy asked you out in the middle of the field?" We burst out laughing and continued talking about it on the way to our University

Jay's POV

Heeseung: "yo that girl just straight up confessed to you!" He playfully slapped my arm covering his mouth. I rolled my eyes and smirked

Jay: "please I don't even know why she thinks she has a chance" we all chuckled

Sunoo: "didn't you receive like 3 confessions yesterday Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon: "eh it's whatever I don't really care about them"

Niki: "wait how many girls have confessed to all of us combined from yesterday?" We counted and the number was pretty surprising

Jungwon: "what the-! 15 girls confessed to us combined just yesterday?!"

Jake: "to be fair it was Valentine's Day yesterday" we all said 'ohh' at the same time realizing it

Sunoo: "will you ever start dating though?" He asked me

Jay: "nahhh but I guess maybe after college I mean we are graduating this year" we all high fived and chuckled to ourselves

Heeseung: "hey isn't that y/n?"

Jake: "y/n meaning Jay's girlfriend?" I glared at them

Jay: "guys stop, just because our parents are company partners doesn't mean we're friends"


Y/N: "wait really? Cause I thought- ow!" I fell on the floor landing on my butt as I bumped into something hard. I look up and see Jay standing over me

Jay: "well look who bumped into me" I glared at him getting up as I brushed the dirt off my skirt

Y/N: "let's go" I clung onto Mina's arm pulling her with me but as I was passing them Jay brought out his foot trying to make me trip. I hopped over it and curled my lip up in annoyance "not gonna work this time" I didn't like communicating with boys a lot. I'd barely speak a word or not even speak at all

Jay's POV

She walked off with her friend and I kept my hand in my pockets

Niki: "looks like you lost here hyung" he said swinging his arm on my shoulder

Jay: "tsk whatever"


They walked off inside the campus each of them going to their classes

Sunoo: "you noticed that y/n is the only girl who hasn't fallen for Jay?" Sunoo asked his friend

Sunghoon: "yeahhhh, do you think that bothers Jay?"

Sunoo: "that's poss-"

Girl: "hey oppa!" A girl approached the 2 men

As the girl was getting ready to confess to her crush on the other side of the room there's y/n sitting in her seat listening to music


Jay: "hey!" he slammed his hand on my table causing me to flinch I look up at him staring at me "you're not getting away that easily!" He was about to grab me but Mina stopped him

Mina: "don't you dare touch her!" She pushed him back making him hit the table behind him "are you ok?" She faced me and I nodded mouthing a thank you

The professor came in just in time.

<time skip>

On the way back home I was chatting like usual with Mina

Mina: "I should've kicked him in the-"

Y/N: "ok enough ranting, I didn't even get to squeeze in a proper thank you"

Mina: " *chuckles* well you can always just buy me ice cream" I rolled my eyes but nodded

We got some ice cream and continued walking home

Mina: "I wonder who the next boy you'll date" I turn to her curiously "you never interact with boys since 4th year highschool because of that fucking-"

Y/N: "yes my fucking jackass bitch of an ex boyfriend right?" We chuckled since she says the exact same thing everytime this topic comes up

Mina: "exactly *chuckles* but seriously I'm really curious on who that guy will be"

Y/N: "well only time will tell" she nodded


Unknown: "the company is failing we need something that will combine our accounts that way both our companies will survive" The adult told the other 3 in the room

Unknown: "fine we don't have a choice anyway" she frustratedly sat down

Unknown: "but what is that 'something'?"

Unknown: "our kids... they're graduating college in a few months we can marry them and anyway they know each other already right?"

Unknown: "well acquaintances, I'm not sure if they get along since they've only met a few times"

Unknown: "then it's settled Kim Y/n and Park Jay will be wed after they graduate"

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