Part 22 || epilogue

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Jay: "with him...?" The girl looked at him confused but then stiffened when she realized

Y/N: "n-no! It's not- Jay wait!" She yelled after the boy as he ran up to his room locking himself. She ran up the stairs banging on his door "Jay let me explain!" The boy listened as she cried and banged on his door. She kept yelling at him to open the door so she could explain properly but the boy just sat down on the floor and cried. "Don't make the same mistake I made Jay!" She scolded him "I didn't let you explain when I left so don't do the same thing I did!" He bit his lip knowing it was true. He slowly stood up and opened the door to see y/n on her legs with her hair all over her face

Jay: "explain" he felt numb seeing her cry, he wanted  to hug her tell her everything's alright but he couldn't without an explanation first

Y/N: "I went to the States to give myself some space from you. My parents actually offered me a position privately but I declined it since I wanted to spend my time with you..." Enhypen eavesdropped by the stairs as she was explaining

Niki: "do you get what's happening?"

Jungwon: "guys, come on down, I'll explain to you" the members went down and sat down in the living room as Jungwon exaplined everything to them

Y/N: "they said the position was always opened but I always ignored it. Until that day... and I kinda just went crazy and I accepted that position not knowing my parents wanted me to stay permanently. I went there and lived with Beomgyu so I was fine" he felt heavy to his chest with the thought of them living together

Jay: "so that baby and Beomgyu..." The girls eyes went wide and she grabbed his shoulders staring at him making sure he would understand every word that'll come out of her mouth

Y/N: "Jay no! Beomgyu is my cousin! He is related to me!" He fell confused, if Beomgyu was her cousin then...

Jay: "then who's-"

Beomgyu: "y/n, I think you should take care of him" Beomgyu who's been listening to their conversation the whole time interrupted them knowing this was the perfect time. The other boy left and now it was only the family in the hallway.

Y/N: "this baby, my little Hyunwoo..." the name I always wanted to name my child? He questioned

Jay: "you named your baby with the name I wanted for ours?" The girl chuckled and handed Hyunwoo to him. Jay looked down on it and as the baby woke up he started smiling and trying to reach for Jay

Y/N: "I named our baby after the name you wanted" the boy looked at her shocked. There was too much things to process, he knew they did it before she left but he never knew about it

Jay: "so Hyunwoo... is my child?" He hesitantly asked. The girl nodded with a smile and the boy looked at the baby and hugged it tightly (but not too tight ofc)

The girl explained the circumstances and why he only found out now. The boy felt bad for what happened but the girl assured him that he wasn't the only one who was at fault

Y/N: "I fulfilled my promise didn't I?" The boy looked at the girl and smiled. He let the baby's head rest on his shoulder and faced the girl

Jay: "you did... I should've never doubted you" he kissed the girls forehead and then her nose all the way down to her lips.

<time skip>

Jay: "hey Hyunwoo~ let's go upstairs I'll show you how to play video games!"

Y/N: "honey~ he's a year old he can't even speak yet" the couple chuckled

Sunghoon: "you guys are so cringey yet it's nice to see you two alright again"

Sunoo: "I know right"

The couple rolled their eyes... a few moments of silence until y/n noticed Beomgyu and Mina were gone

Y/N: "hey where's Beomgyu and Mina?"

Jake: "ohhh *chuckles* they're in the backyard talking" he smirked and they all looked at their direction and saw them laughing with each other

Jay: "looks like they like each other"

Y/N: "I don't mind Mina will become my family if ever" Hyunwoo started mumbling things randomly and we all focused our attention to him

Hyunwoo: "d- J-"

Jungwon: "what's he saying?"

Jay: "I don't know..."

Hyunwoo: "J- y- B- ay-"

Heeseung: "yay?" We shook our heads and focused on him again

Hyunwoo: "D- ay- J-jay~" we all widened our eyes and looked at each other

Y/N: "did he say Jay?!"

Hyunwoo: "J-J-ay~"

Sunoo: "he did!" They all swooned over the baby pinching it's cheeks, taking turns carrying him and what not.

<time skip; 10 years>


Hyunwoo: "here mom taste this!" He shoved the spoon inside my mouth without being able to see what I was eating "so? So? What do you think?" He asked excitedly. I chewed on it and widened my eyes looking at him shocked

Y/N: "this is amazing!"

Jay: "of course! He takes after me" he smirked handing me our 4 year old girl

Y/N: "how's my little girl?" I asked kissing her cheek

Jihyo: "g-goot" she gave me a thumbs up and my husband and I chuckled

Hyunwoo: "dad taste this!" He shoved another spoonful of his cooking in his dads mouth

Jay: "wow son! Where did you learn this?"

Hyunwoo: "I watched a tutorial in YouTube but I changed some stuff to our liking. I know mom likes salty foods so I added a bit more salt and I know dad likes very saucy dishes so I combined those and made this" he lifted the steak he cooked, proudly showing it off

Y/N: "I'm proud of you son" I patted his head as he proceeded to cut the steak for each of us. I'm glad he took after Jay and I. I wonder what Jihyo will be like. Will she cook like us? Maybe she can even master baking. Who knows... but what I'm sure of is that...

Jay: "here honey open up" he fed me some steak then faced our daughter cutting her own food

is that... I love my friends, family and most especially Jay.

Y/N: "I love you"

Jay: "randomly?"

Y/N: "can't I say that to my husband?" He rolled his eyes and pulled my neck to kiss me

Jay: "well I love you most" he ended with a kiss on my forehead and continued feeding Jihyo

I watched as my kids laughed at their dad and just thought how lucky I was to be able to be with Jay and to have amazing kids. I don't think I can ever find someone like Jay in a million trillion years.

Y/N: "Jay..." I called out to him

Jay: "yeah?"

Y/N: "you'll never leave me right?" He looked at me concerned

Jay: "why is there anything wrong?"

Y/N: "no I just thought how lucky I am to have you and- I don't wanna lose that" I embarrassingly smiled and he returned a warm one back

Jay: "you don't have to worry about that because I'm not going anywhere"

Y/N: "you sure?"

Jay: "100%. Don't worry ok? Cause... I'm Right Here"

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