Part 4 || moving in

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Y/N: "it's already bad enough you're making us get married now you want us to move in together?!" I stood up looking at all of them

Mom: "yes because you two have to get along! I don't want to expect a divorce after a year because this is for life!"

Jay: "FOR LIFE?! I thought you just had to get us married to join your stupid accounts together?! Why can't we divorce after a year?!"

Mr.Park: "because the bank and the company needs proof that there is a joint account and that is both of you. So if you two will get divorced, the accounts will be separated again" I scoffed, unbelievable. I sat down and crossed my arms and legs

Y/N: "whatever"

Dad: "you guys will be moving in together this weekend so start packing your stuff" the fuck? This weekend? it's Wednesday today! I have fucking 3 days to pack? I stormed off to my room and slammed the door. Well might as well pack already

<time skip; Saturday>

I can't believe I'm living with that jerk for the rest of my life. I wanted to marry someone who actually cares and loves me. He's just gonna make my life hell!

Mom: "honey! Are you done? The moving truck is here!"

Y/N: "yeah! I'll bring down the boxes that are left!" I yelled downstairs. One by one I brought everything down and when I finished everything I looked around my room one last time. I'm gonna miss this place. I smiled to myself recalling all the memories. When my eyes landed on the closet there was a single box laying there "did I forget something?" I opened my closet and looked down on the box. I tilted my head and bent down blowing off the dust on top

I was expecting to see old toys of mine that I haven't opened in years but... I saw the memories of my old boyfriend and I. I slumped down and picked up the picture frame of us together back in highschool. I sadly smiled "gosh I looked so weird before" I placed the picture frame down and focused my attention towards the box again. What am I doing? I placed the picture back in the box and closed it. I stood up and turned away but my feet suddenly stopped

I turned around and stared at the brown box. There's no harm in keeping it...right?

Dad: "sweetheart let's go!"

Y/N: "coming!" I grabbed the box loaded it and sat inside the car

<time skip>


As the girls car stopped another car in front of them arrived at the same time

Jay and y/n both got out of the car and glared at each other. One by one they unloaded luggages and boxes inside their new home. Neither of them liked this idea at all.

<time skip>

Mom: "alright guys, all you have to do is unpack your personal stuff everything else is all set up" the adults left in a gif so it was only the boy and girl left in their living room.

Jay: "finally! Can you get me my backpack over there" he pointed somewhere else and made his way to the couch.

Y/N: "you get it yourself, I have stuff to do on my own" you were about to leave but then he called you back

Jay: "hey! I said get me my backpack now!" He raised his voice slightly to which the girl just followed scared he would start yelling at her. He grabbed it out of her hands harshly not even thanking her. Her stomach suddenly growled and the boy noticed but the girl ran up the stairs not saying a word

Jay: "can't believe I have to live with that weird girl" he scoffed and continued playing with his phone


I removed my clothes from the different boxes. I hung them in my closet, I placed my old pillow cases and comforter on my new bed, I placed my skincare stuff on my bathroom sink, and just fixed my room the way I liked it. I mean I think I'll be living here for quite a while, better to have a place to storm off to cause I think I'll be doing that often


Y/n was finally done unpacking but then she remembered that one box. She went out of her room picking it up and placing it by the foot of her bed. What she didn't know was she didn't get to fully close the door so there was a small gap. She too lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice it.

She bent down sitting on her legs and opened the box again looking at all the stuff inside. There was a single dried up rose which caused her to tear up

Y/N: "the rose he gave me during our prom..." She twirled it around remembering the memories of that night. She continued rummaging the box and she didn't notice it but her eyes slowly got more and more wet. She had that strange feeling in her chest and it was really heavy. It was like 10 pound weights inside her chest

On the other hand Jay was getting bored of his phone. He looked around to see if y/n was downstairs but then he remembers you storming off upstairs. Let's go annoy her I'm bored he placed his phone inside his pocket and quietly approached your room

You finally got to the bottom of the box and that's when it hit you the most. They were all your photos from your dates, selfies, pictures from the times when you guys went to the amusement park, and finally the love letters he wrote to you. You picked up a picture of your first date in the amusement park. That was also the day he confessed to you. You were so happy that day, the memory caused you to start crying. You made a noise and instantly covered your mouth

The boy snuck by your door and slightly peeked in looking at what you were doing. His devil smirk suddenly went down as soon as he saw you bent down in front of a box. He was about to enter and ask what you were doing when he suddenly heard you start crying. He bent down by the door listening and watching you

You looked at the photos one by one crying harder than the last. You missed him, even if he treated you poorly, there were times that you felt cared for. When you picked up one of the letters you opened it and read the date 2nd year highschool... the letter read

Hey y/n-shieee I miss you, I didn't get to see you yesterday, can we meet up by the park later? I'll get you ice cream if you want? You know your favorite flavor? Let's just hangout ok? I really miss you, oh and let's go to this new cafe during the weekend. I heard it's really chill and romantic. Anyway I'll be at the park later at 3:00pm see ya! I LOVE YOU BUD!

She broke down when she read 'bud' that was the nickname they always called each other. She covered her mouth to muffle her cries hoping Jay wouldn't hear her. She kept rereading the letter over and over again missing her happy moments with him

Jay suddenly started feeling bad, he didn't know what was going on with her yet he felt pity. He peeks in a bit more and spots a picture frame on the floor and it was a boy and a girl. Who is- he accidentally leaned in too much causing the floor to creak. He stepped back right away before the girl could catch him. She wiped her tears and packed everything inside the box right away.

Y/N: "who's there?" She asked but got no response. He rushed downstairs and yelled

Jay: "y/n! Can you make me food I'm hungry!" He sighed glad he wasn't caught. Oh he's downstairs... she sighed sliding the box under her bed and made her way downstairs

Btw guys please give me a name on who you want y/n's ex to be!! It can be anyone's name!!

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