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Authors note: just to clarify, most of the DC side of this is based off of other fics I've read or my basic knowledge so sorry if there are some inaccuracies. Plus I've rearranged the ages they were adopted to make things fit. Dick was 14, Jason 12, Tim was also 12 and Damien 9.

Dick had been adopted officially for 5 months and Bruce had only just got him settled in properly, he was glad that he seemed to prove easy enough to train and would be joining him soon, with the identity of what he had no idea.

He was out on a stroll through the manor gardens, clearing his head, Dick had finally opened up and he needed time to focus on his next move. Not that he was trying to itemize him, it was simply his way of doing things. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a faint scuttling. It couldn't be any kind of vermin, the security was too developed to let an animal through unless it was a bird.

He followed the sound and came to a stop by the bins. There he saw a small girl, he guessed to be around 5 years old. She had beautiful bright blue eyes that he felt immediately entranced, they were so familiar to him, they were just like his mother's. Her hair was a similar colour to his and tied back in a long braid.

He could hear her as she muttered, clearly irritated.

"Hey! What are you doing here!? Who are you?!" He asked.

The girl paused and pulled back from where she was looking to look at him. She seemed to be analysing him as she looked him over. "... I needed food."

"How did you get in?"

"None of your business!" She growled.

He turned away to call Alfred but when he looked back, the girl was gone. "What the hell?"


Bruce went in and explained the incident to Alfred and Dick.

"Was she okay?" Dick asked, curious to know more about the girl who managed to get in.

"I don't know, she left too soon to tell." Bruce responded.

"I highly doubt we have seen the last of this girl Master Bruce, I'm sure you can get some answers soon. " Alfred assured him.

Bruce knew better than to challenge Alfred so he trusted him, and if course, he was right.


The next time she was seen was when Dick was wandering around a few months later, in search for a place outside to train solo and get fresh air, he decided that he would spend some time to himself, he took a lunch with him and set to work doing a few flips.

"You were a trapeze artist?" A voice asked from nowhere.

Dick was so surprised that he missed his landing and tumbled onto his face.

"Nice landing. You practice that?" The voice laughed.

He picked himself up and scanned the area to see where the voice was coming from, sitting in a tree was a girl that fitted the description of the mysterious girl from a few months before.

"How did you know I did trapeze?" He had no idea why that was the first question he asked but he still wanted to know.

"Easy. Your level of flexibility isn't easily achieved and your landings and footwork seem sloppy, as if you're used to not being on the ground. Am I correct?"

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