New life

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When Martha arrived at her new home she was told that as she didn't have a birth certificate, the Dupain-Cheng's got to name her and they decided on Marinette and Martha wasn't too bugged as it was close to Martha... Ish...

She entered her room and almost threw up at the amount of pink. Apparently being a 10 year old girl meant that she was obsessed with pink.

She had never been so glad to have learnt another language though.

Her adoptive parents were nice... Rather over the top in just about everything which she admitted sometimes got tireing.

She decided that she wouldn't talk unless necessary, no one in Paris particularly interested her from the people she had seen in the bakery.

"Marinette! Are you ready for school?"

Sabine called, Marinette didn't want to call her mother and father and they respected that.

She walked down and nodded, fixing her bag to her back.

She waved goodbye and headed to school.

She sat next to a boy named Kim. A blonde girl came in and walked to stand next to her, hovering over her desk.

"Can I help you?" Marinette asked, raising her eyebrows. Just looking at her made her want to throw hands.

"Well well well. It's the adopted girl, from the bakery~." She cackled and Marinette rolled her eyes.

"To what I recall, the people who adopted me wanted me, your parents appeared to have had no choice. Still think you're better?"

There were shocked gasps through the room and a few snickers.

The girl shook with anger. "I have you know that my daddy is the mayor! And mummy is style queen! I am Chloe Bourgois!"

"And I'm not Marinette. I grew up on the streets on my own and survived with no help. I could snap your spine like a twig. I'm not from around here, you may act like you're top dog of the school, but I've been top dog in some of the most dangerous streets in the world and I could squash you like a bug!" She growled, sending her a dangerous glare.

Chloe paled and sat down. "Damn I'm turning out like Damien..."

Kim was looking at her.


"You're awesome! Can I be you're friend?" He asked with stars in his eyes.

Marinette looked him in the eyes, analysing him. She wasn't eager but she knew that if she made no friends then her 'parents' would worry.

"Sure, don't see why not." She smiled.

He pumped his fist.

Class was boring in her opinion, she already knew everything that was being taught after spending hours in the Wayne library with Jason and Tim, spending time with Damien taught her a lot and the rogues had a surprisingly broad amount of knowledge.

At the time the teacher was firing off times table. She started in 2's and made her way to the 12's which some struggled with but she found relatively easy.

"You're doing great! Soon you'll be able to figure out 56×4789!" She laughed.

"268184..." Marinette said, her voice getting quieter as she realised no one else answered.

Miss Bustier looked at her. "Wh-what was that?"

"It should be right... 268184..." She grew increasingly quiet.

Miss Bustier took her phone out and typed in the calculation and looked up in shock.

Yes I used a Matilda reference! So sue me!

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