Death or victory

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"Martha has been a city with that kind of danger!? We must get her out of there immediately!" Damien yelled.

"Demon spawn it's not that easy -" Tim was cut off by a throwing star flying past his head.

"Master Damien, you of all people know that she is capable of taking care of herself." Alfred stated, plucking the throwing star from the wall.

Hearing Alfred say this seemed to ease Damien's concerns a bit. "That is true... If anything that Hawkmoth should be affraid of her." Damien said.

"Wow even Damien is admitting she's strong? Can't wait to meet this girl." Steph grinned, leaning against the wall.

"TT... Don't be ridiculous Brown. She can take care of herself, so what?" Damien turned away.

"Just saying~, high praise coming from you." She smirked.

"Steph, you causing trouble for him? Can I join?" Barbara asked with a grin.

"No need Gordan!" Damien snapped.

"He's grumpy because I'm acknowledging the fact he's not too judgemental about his crush." Steph laughed.

"I'm not judgemental I'm honest! She's stronger than you two that's for sure! And it's not a crush!" Damien yelled, blushing.

"You're awfully red for someone that's not a crush~" Barbara grinned.

"It isn't a crush!... It's more than that..." He admitted quietly.

"Aww how adorable! Damien is in love!" Steph smiled, ducking under another knife that got wedged into the wall.

"So what if I am...?" He mumbled.


When Marinette first transformed with the cat, she was surprised to find that her ears weren't made of leather, they were real. Her braid grew much longer and it moved as her tail. Her eyes were similar to Chat's but blue instead and the pupil was a slit, similar to an actual cat.

"You look adorable!" Chloe gushed, petting her ears.

"Chloe~" she groaned, not admitting it felt nice. "I'm just trying it out for now."

She detransformed.... But the ears were still there... And she had a tail. "What the hell! PLAGG?!"

"Oh yeah! Forgot about that part..." Plagg shrugged.

"You happened to forget that I would have EARS AND A TAIL?!" Marinette yelled.

"So fluffy..." Nino said, causing his hand to be swatted away.

"You can get rid of them, they'll just appear if you use too many abilities as civilian or if you get pissed. Calm down a bit and you'll be fine" Plagg rolled his eyes.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and as he said, her tail and ears dissappeared.

"Thank goodness..." She smiled lightly. "Wait... Since I need the Ladybug miraculous, what do I do with the ring?" Marinette asked.

"Necklace." Plagg stated naturally.


Marinette, for once, had no doubt that her plan would work. There were multiple backup plans and escape routes. What she didn't factor was Gabriel's ability level.

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