Winding down.

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It had been 2 hours and Marinette hadn't moved from being curled close into Selina's side. They teased her about the light purring she occasionally made apparent but she didn't care. She felt safe again.

Damien, of course, wasn't thrilled that his girlfriend had barely looked in his direction since they got their but he couldn't blame her too much. It had been eight years since they had seen each other and he would be lying if he said he hadn't clung onto her for almost days after they'd gotten together. No one held it against him, except maybe Adrien. He just didn't want to lose her again.

Ivy had joined the group after about half an hour, weaving a scarlet flower into Marinette's hair, gently braiding it for her as Harley kept animatedly talking about which movie to watch and what snacks to get.

Selina didn't say or do all that much to start, just greatful to have her daughter figure back, although she felt a little unsure weather it was okay to call her that now that she had official parents. They hadn't gotten into the details of her life since leaving. For now they just wanted to enjoy being reunited.

It was unusual for the group to be this quiet and in a way, calm.

Damien didn't get involved much but refused to leave her alone with them for too long.

Eventually they had settled into binge watching cringy rom-coms. Which then turned into what would normally be classified as 'girl talk'. Damien was pretty sure he should not be hearing any of the conversations, especially Selina's less than subtle comments about her recent annoyance with her 'billionaire boy toy' as Harley described.

Once they had moved on to the musical phase of the evening, it got less awkward but a little more annoying when the abba themed musical 'mamma mia' was blasting at full volume from the TV speakers.

Harley had taken to throwing popcorn at people. Not for any particular reason, but it ended up with Marinette finally leaving Selina's side and starting a mini food fight with the woman.

Damien stiffened when he felt two pairs of eyes on him, he wasn't paying attention to anyone other than Marinette but when he looked up to meet Selina and Ivy's sly smirks, his shoulders sagged.

"Finally got the courage huh mini bird?" Ivy crossed her arms.

"I suppose I did." He said as dismissively as possible.

Selina rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly.

It wasn't worth giving the shovel talk. The boy had been pining for their kitten for too long for him to dream of hurting her.

When Marinette landed gracefully in his lap, wrapping his cape around her, he couldn't help the slight smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around her, even if the only reason she did it was to run away from Harley who had been chasing her with a Sharpie, threatening to draw whiskers on her to match the ears.

The psychiatrist pouted. "No fair! Ya got a boyfriend to run to for protection! Oh well, guess he's my victim instead!" She grinned, the Sharpie nearing him.

"Don't you dare Quinn." He hugged Marinette protectively and practically bit at Harley.

"Jeez he's touchy now he's in love." She plopepd herself into Ivy's lap and stuck her tongue out at him.

Marinette poked her head from his cape and returned the gesture.

Selina smirked slightly and raised an eyebrow at the two. "My, you two got close quick."

Marinette squeaked and hid back in Damien's cape, red-faced.

"Of course we did. We are inseparable." He scowled.

"You're right he is sensitive." She chuckled again.

Marinette freed herself eventually and curled back up next to Selina.

"Oh yes, definitely inseparable" Ivy teased.

"In bond."

Marinette giggled. "Love you too Dove."

Damien smiled slightly again, making Harley gasp. "He has muscles in his face!"

"Of course I do! Who doesn't?!" Damien snapped, the scowl soon back on his face.

"Aww come on! Yknow what I mean! You got smile muscles! You're such a softie!" Harley cooed.

"Only for her. You are not included in the list I am lenient with."

"Lenient? That's what we're calling it now?" Marinette smirked at him. "I'm hurt."

He spluttered, trying to calm the blood rushing to his cheeks. "You're even more different! I love you of course!"

She grinned, "I'm teasing Damien." She paused and hummed in thought. "Could you maybe tell Bruce I'll be staying here tonight?"

Damien frowned. "Of course, but will you allow me to stay?"

"Girls night Dames! Course not!" Harley grinned.

"I don't believe I asked you." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm with her. Sorry Dove. I'll be back tomorrow! I just-..."

"It's okay Angel. I understand. Although I do wish I didn't have to leave."

"You have my number." Marinette smiled softly.

He nodded and went to kiss her but was intercepted by Selina's hand."Not in front of the mother." She smirked as the boy's scowl deepened further.

Marinette giggled and got up, leading him to the door. She gently kissed him. "I'll see you soon, I'll message you before I go to sleep."

Damien relaxed again and smiled. "Thank you." He kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"Love you too." She smiled. "Now go. I'll be fine!" She giggled as she shoved him out.

She skipped back into the room. "We're going spray painting right?"

Harley squealed and crushed her in a hug. "It's so good to have ya back Kitty!"

The other two laughed and quickly joined the hug. Marinette was taller than when they last saw her but she was still small.

"I call dibs on first colour pick!" The kitten grinned and leapt towards Harley's ever growing stash of cans.

"Hey! no fair!" Harley leapt at her.

"I refuse to get caught by bats tonight so if you two could refrain from arguing, that would be ideal." Ivy smirked.

The two in question yelled back in unison "Never!"

Selina sighed with a smiled, "Good to have you back Kitten."


From a distance, Robin watched her finally relaxing and smiling naturally. His heart warmed as he headed back to the manor.

Not got much to say-
Hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day!
Eat, drink and sleep as much as you can!


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