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School started again and with school, all my problems.

I had to wake up early everyday, drag myself to school in order to sleep through boring lectures and repeat that for an infinite amount of times. And to top it all off, I couldn't see Ann as much as before. It was a very sad time.

I sighed as I made my way through the parking lot and I may or may not have ducked behind a car when I caught sight of a certain blonde. It's not like I was hiding, really.

I haven't talked to Rachel for two weeks, pretty much since our lovely 'date' and I think she must have realized that I was clearly avoiding her by now, although it wasn't my intention.

Okay. I was a chicken shit, I knew that. But I still couldn't face her after we'd stopped texting. I felt guilty. I wanted to apoligize but I didn't think she cared that much about it, seeing as I always saw her around school with her new girlfriend.

As the path was clear, I started walking again towards my car. I couldn't wait to finally be back home.



I froze in place as I contemplated either running away or fainting suddenly on the spot.

"Cam, hi."

I turned around to see Rachel standing in front of me. "Hi" was the only thing I could mutter with a lump in my throath.

She studied me for a few seconds, the silence making it loud and clear that she was pissed, or annoyed or something. Definitely not delighted to see me.

"I've seen you around," she said, "you probably have seen me around as well and... uhm," she paused, "I've noticed you've been avoiding me?"

Shit. Here it goes. "I... I'm sorry, I've been busy." I said, sounding as stupid as I felt.

"Yeah, I could see that." She looked hurt, making me feel like an asshole.

Another moment of silence passed before I felt the urge to get the fuck away from this situation. "I have to go." I said as I started to slowly walk backwards.

Rachel just stared at me and smiled. "Okay. Have a good day."


It was Friday, and not just any Friday. Today, tonight, I'll finally be spending time with Ann. I haven't seen her for four days. We'd planned dinner, a movie and maybe I could sleep over if she wanted me to. I was thinking about the events of today as I knocked on her door, still feeling guilty about how I'd treated Rachel.

Ann opened the door and signaled me to come in and be quiet since she was talking on the phone. I raised my eyebrows inquisitively but she just glared at me.

"Um-hum... Yeah, okay... Tomorrow then?... Um-hum... Okay, perfect... Bye."

She hang up and turned towards me, giving me a once over. "Why are you dressed like that?"

I glanced down at myself. "Like what?"

"You seem like you actually put an effort in the way you dressed today."

I pouted. "That was a low blow." I said as she grinned. "Should I take my clothes off then?"

"No, thanks." She replied.

We moved to the kitchen where she poured me a glass of wine. I sat on a stool and watched her 'cooking', only for us to end up eating a salad as dinner.

After that we moved to the couch where I had to go through a zombie movie while hanging on to Ann for dear life. By the time it ended I had such a strong grip on her that I wondered how she could breath. My head rested on her shoulder, my arms were wrapped around her and my legs were tangled in hers in a weird but pretty comfortable position.

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