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This is awkward. Very awkward. I haven't felt this awkward in a long while. We were watching some movie, Rachel and me, or more like she was watching it while I was too worried thinking about how awkward this all was.

Here we were, seated apparently comfortably in a cinema watching a movie starring Megan Fox -that was an important detail, Rachel pointed out as we were choosing which movie to see. When she asked me to go to the cinema with her she insisted in picking me up and driving me there, but I convinced her in going separately. Rethinking about it, maybe it wasn't that good of an idea since as expected from someone like me I was a good 10 minutes late. I was in a hurry because I didn't want to seem rude especially since we didn't know each other and she totally struck me as the type to arrive early to anything, you know, just in case.

As soon as she spotted me she started waving and I was a little taken aback at first because she looked different than what I remembered. She'd cut her long blonde hair to her shoulders and she'd dressed up and put on make up, she looked better all in all, not that she looked bad before. And I actually felt a little out of place as I hadn't put much thought in my appearance.

As we greeted each other, things got awkward. We spent some time deciding which movie to watch before picking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which she apparently wanted to see while I just went along with it. We then bought some popcorn and drinks before settling in our seats. There was a total of 10 people in the room, including us, which was good. Conversation between us was awkward if not non-existent, although I had to give it to her for at least trying. When the movie started though, the problem was apparently solved.

I kept on shifting in my seat, I watched her watching the movie, I watched her laughing at something I didn't catch and I saw her turning her head to look at me. Shit. I looked away but not before seeing her smile. "Megan Fox is hot, isn't she?"

I looked at the screen for probably the first time since we came in. Yes, indeed she was. "Yeah, I guess."

"Why aren't you eating?" She passed me the popcorn bowl she had in her lap, prompting me to eat some. I took it without saying anything while she turned her attention back to the screen.

I silently ate popcorn but I just couldn't enjoy it fully as I should be. I just hoped the movie would be over soon enough so I could finally leave.

At some point I felt Rachel's hand roaming around my lap trying to probably find the popcorn bowl but as soon as she realized it wasn't there she got extremely embarrassed. I laughed at her discomfort and at the speed with which she managed to pull back her hand.

"Sorry." She said.

"No problem, I left the bowl on the floor." I took it and passed it to her.


After a few seconds I glanced at her only to see her still concentrated in watching the movie (really, was it actually that interesting?) and eating her popcorn absentmindedly.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

She sighed. "You've kept on staring at me for the whole movie."

"I haven't." Honest, I hadn't been staring at her for the whole time, I was just bored, that's all.

"Right. So it was someone else." She looked around. "Wait, there's no one else."

Haha. "Real funny," I said. "I just didn't like the movie." Why was I even trying to defend myself? Who cares?

"You would have if you actually watched it."

Okay. What was her problem? "At least I don't let my hands roam on people's laps."

I swear I could see her flushing, probably from anger though. "Okay, fair point. I shouldn't do that on a first date."

On a first- what?

I stared at her dumbly. "Sorry, what?"

She was silent for a moment and then said. "Well, I hoped it was but I'd understand if it isn't for you and, I mean, I don't even know if you're gay, I just... assumed and-"

"No no, wait. I just... didn't think it was. You never said so-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything."

"Hey, no worries." I tried to reassure her even if I was a little taken aback.

She seemed to calm down a bit just in time to see the ending credits scroll on the screen. "Well, let's go." I got up and took the empty popcorn bowl from her hands as we made our way out.

Outside she lit up a cigarette and asked me if it was a problem for me to wait for her. "No, of course not." I said and stood there awkwardly looking around at people leaving little by little. I could feel her eyes on me somehow so I just pretended to be really interested in the parked cars.

"So, are you?" I heard her ask with an amused tone.

"Am I what?" I asked back as I turned around. She had finished smoking and was looking at me curiously.

"Are you gay?" I'd never been questioned so bluntly about it before. So what could I say when she was staring at me straight in the eyes pinning me to my place.

"Yeah." And then after a moment, "You?"

She smiled amusedly. "What do you say?"

I pretended to be thinking about it for a few seconds. "I think not, I'm not sure."

She chuckled. "Right. Well, I'll clear up your doubts then." And just like that I found myself being kissed, in the middle of a parking lot, in front of a cinema, while people were now probably staring. It was a brief kiss though, just a light brushing of lips and it took me completely by surprise as I stood there paralyzed on the spot. Rachel leant back, looking for some sort of reaction but I'm not sure she got something from my expression which was completely blank right now. I saw her leaning in again and this time the kiss that followed was more intense. I felt her grip the back of my neck as she moved us closer and closer and I guess my hands found their place on the small of her back. She knew what she was doing, all right, and as her tongue found its way in my mouth I could taste the smoke from the cigarette she'd just smoked, but it didn't bother me. I was almost disappointed when she finally pulled back.

She took a couple of steps back, still facing me. And she smiled or more like smirked before walking off. "Good night, Cam."

What the hell just happened?

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