Prequel- Chapter 2: Let's Ski!

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Prequel- Chapter 2: Let's Ski!

Elian Storm

"I want this done within two days. And if it is not done by that time, may God have mercy on you because I fucking won't!" I shouted at a warehouse full of men. "Now, get that piece of crap out of my face."

"Yes, Boss!" all of them responded in sync and rushed to clean up the mess made by the bleeding body of the former in charge here. He had the audacity to question my leadership because of my age. So I put him where he belonged.

I placed my gun back in my holster and walked out of the dusty old place with Lance on my tail.

"This is stressful," I murmured, only audible to Lance.

"At least you can raise your voice well. I hate to do that," he replied quietly.

"You don't have to speak, Lance. Your expressions are scary enough." I looked over my shoulder at the few men working to carry around cargo boxes while some were cleaning the blood on the floor. "Do you think we can make the delivery in two days?"

"I honestly don't care either way. I'm just glad I don't have to attend Dad's awful Christmas party this year."

I managed to smile at that and gave him a light punch. "You should at least care about our assignment."

Lance just shrugged in response, and I shook my head in disbelief.

My twin and I were in Colorado at the moment for an important assignment, involving the smuggling of drugs and goods counterfeiting. More like it was my assignment and Lance tagged along uninvited. Apparently, he wanted to relax on this mission. Away from all the chaos of our regular life back at university.

Even though we were both in the third year, we were already handling our family's illegal business because that was what we were trained for from the age of fourteen. Our younger brother Eltan trained as well, even though he had no interest in this field. He wanted to be a professional artist.

I mostly handled everything in California and Lance did in Vegas. For now, Dad took care of business everywhere else. When we would graduate, the rest would be divided between me and Lance as well.

The guard on the main door opened it for us and we both walked out. I was busy seeing a few shipment information on my phone when I was hit with a strong gust of cold wind.

"Hey, look at that," Lance called out.

I looked up at the white flakes landing on the ground. "Fuck my life." Great now. Our assignment would have to be delayed now. We would need to change locations if the roof of this warehouse decided to collapse due to heavy snow and damage to all the goods. Not to mention, the flight delay. "Why does it have to snow?" I groaned.

"Because it's winter and we are in Denver?" Lance provided in vain.

"Thanks, Lance. I didn't know that," I retorted.

"You are welcome. I feel like skiing," he let out in a flat voice.

I gave him a disgusted look. "Are you kidding me?"

"No," he replied curtly and started walking toward his car.

"Lance!" I hollered, which came out as a whine.

"I didn't ask you to come, Elian." With that, he opened the door to his car and got inside.

Stupid snowfall ruining everything—

The words of that girl I met a few days ago at the university library quad came to my mind. She had asked me if I had any happy memories of a snowy day, and I had told her no. Then she proceeded to tell me her happy memories, and I had to admit that I was a little envious at that moment.

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