Prequel- Chapter 10: Unleashing The Anger

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Prequel- Chapter 10: Unleashing The Anger

Elian Storm

I was deep in my slumber when I heard shuffling around me. I peeked an eye open to find Alena running around my room in a hurry while getting dressed.

"Good morning, babe," I mumbled groggily, stretching my arms and rising up from the bed.

Alena stopped in the middle of putting on her cardigan and came to give me a hurried kiss. "Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?"

"I always sleep well when you are with me," I replied and tried to catch her for another kiss, but she was already on her way to the dressing table to grab her hairbrush.

"Of course, I'm the most huggable person ever," she praised herself.

I smiled looking at her and all the things in my bedroom that belonged to her.

It had been ten and half months since we started dating and tomorrow was the anniversary of the day we first met. It has been an amazing year. It had its good and bad moments, but I wouldn't trade them for anything else in this world.

"You are going to the campus, aren't you?" I asked.

Alena let out a heavy sigh. "I'm so envious of you for getting winter break a day earlier."

I chuckled and said, "I still have to go to the office, though." I had started my internship at Storm Dynamics, where I would be taking over as the CEO in one and a half years.

"Whatever." She stuck out her tongue at me and grabbed her bag of books and said, "I'm off then. I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay. Be safe." I waved at her from the bed as she walked out of my bedroom.

I was left with an eerie feeling like always. I missed her already. It was an irritable fact that we were always in a hurry in the morning—unable to even have breakfast together.

As awesome as this year had been, it was busy for Alena and me. We were only together with each other during the night, not even on weekends. Because she had her part-time jobs in the morning and I had my mafia duties. But we always managed to work well with our schedules. Except sometimes.

I sighed and got up from the bed to freshen up and start my day. But I had an irking feeling that today was not going to end well.


"Elian, can you come to meet me in the office?"

I looked up at my dad from the presentation I was working on and groaned, "Please don't tell me it's to discuss what the Christmas party theme this year should be."

Dad chuckled and patted my shoulder. "Lance isn't here yet. When he comes, I'll discuss it with the three of you together."

I groaned once more.

"Now come with me." His tone turned serious.

Feeling the urgency, I nodded and shut my laptop before following my dad to his cabin.

"So what is it?" I asked.

Dad sat on his leather chair and stated, "You picked up a fight with the XS gang."

I stiffened, suddenly feeling nervous. "Yes. What about it?" I asked, trying to pretend to be nonchalant and confident.

"All I want to know is why."

"I have my reasons." The reason was Alena's safety, but I couldn't tell that to Dad. Because over a stupid argument, I had told Alena that I would never tell my family about her as long as she didn't tell hers. I had too much pride, and it was an awful curse. So I hadn't uttered a word about our relationship.

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