Chapter 5: I Promise

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Chapter 5: I Promise

Alena Fleur

Seriously, what was with people threatening me with guns?

Was it a new trend for handsome men to turn up and scare cute innocent girls like me? God, please get these dangerous men away from me and I will do more charity than I already do.

I could understand one of Elian's men putting me under gunpoint, even Elian himself, but who was this tall man with pretty green eyes and black hair? What had I ever done to him? Was this one of Elian's enemies who wanted me dead for whatever reason?

"Um, I think you have the wrong person here. I swear I have not seen you kill anyone, so you can let me off the hook—" I tried to reason, only to get cut off by the man.

"You are Ms. Fleur, am I right?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. But I'm not on sale for people to kill—"

"I don't have the wrong person here, Ms. Fleur. You're a risk to a person I really care about, so I'm afraid I have to kill you. It's nothing personal, I promise. So could you just make this easier on both of us—"

"No, why should I? My life is precious to me too, you know?" I raised my hand, which had Elian's gun, and the unknown man backed off.

"Boss, she has a gun. She's a dangerous woman!" said one of the men I hadn't even noticed until now. The uninvited guest also had a few men in black like Elian did last night.

"She's not as innocent as she looks," said another of the men.

I didn't understand what they were talking about. How could my sweet angelic face ever scare someone off?

I took a step forward, swinging Elian's gun in my hand, and all of the men took steps backward. I frowned in confusion, but my confusion was soon cleared when I followed their gaze.

Oh, so that's the case.

I smirked and aimed the gun at their boss. "Yes, that's right. I'm very dangerous. Leave, or else, I will shoot."

I was lying, of course. I had no idea if the gun even had bullets inside. Plus, even though I worked in an armament company, I had never used a gun myself. I always saw the sample shooting, though. Even if worse comes to worst, I had to shoot for my defense. I just hope they go away—

Boy, I wish.

Their boss didn't take any more steps backward, rather he took a step towards me without lowering his own gun, his eyes glaring right into my soul.

Two of us had our hands on the trigger—

"What the hell is going on here?" an authoritative voice echoed through the corridor outside my apartment.

I tore my gaze away from my competitor, only to find a furious Elian standing there.

As Elian looked between me and the unknown man, he settled his angry gaze on the one in front of him. "Lance, what the fuck are you doing here?" he yelled at the man named Lance.

Wait, how did Elian know this man?

"Elian, I was just..." Lance tried to reason, but Elian gave him no chance.

"I know exactly what you were up to, so don't try to give me any lame excuses, Lance. We talked about this, didn't we? Didn't I tell you to leave it be?"

"But Elian—"

"Did I or did I not, Lance?" Elian shouted, and Lance finally lowered his gun.

"Yes, you did," Lance murmured, looking like a scared puppy in front of Elian.

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