Prequel- Chapter 8: Midterm Crisis

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Prequel- Chapter 8: Midterm Crisis

Elian Storm

It was midnight.

Standing on the deck of a yacht, I was watching over the unloading of cargo full of illegal products on the dock. The movements were swift and quiet, though. The only sounds which could be heard was the waves crashing against the dock and the creaking of the wood underneath the footsteps. Although there was a touch of nervousness in the air. None of the men dared to misplace a single item under my watch.

In short, I was getting bored. I wanted to see Alena.

That reminds me...

"Did Braxton agree to shift their business somewhere else?" I asked my consigliere in a low voice. Braxton was the head of the gang that ruled the crime activities of Alena's neighborhood.

"No. Ash and I tried to negotiate nicely, but as you expected, Braxton is a stubborn old fool," Jace replied with a shrug.

"Did you tell him there will be no niceties anymore?"

"Ash made that very clear." Jace scoffed,  "But that asshole thinks the XS gang is stronger than ours."

I snorted at that statement. "Really? Where did he get that misconception from?"

"God knows."

I smirked. "This warrants a nice present for Braxton, don't you think, Jace?"

"Of course. I already gave the order to kill off some of his underlings. If that still doesn't wake him up from his delusions, then I would find some other way to teach him a lesson."


My attention was distracted by the muffled sounds of helpless cries. I walked to the other edge of the yacht and leaned over the railing to look at what was happening.

Near another yacht, I found a few of our newly recruited men beating up two men in their mid-thirties. I swear these slackers...

"Hey!" I hollered to get their attention, and they froze up. "What the hell are you guys doing there instead of helping with the unloading?"

One of the men came running to me and explained, "Boss, those motherfuckers lent 60k from us and haven't returned it yet. We managed to catch them tonight while they were planning to steal a few boxes from us."

"So you are beating them to death? How is this a solution?" I questioned, and he hung his head in shame. "Give them some permanent damage for trying to screw us. Chop off a few fingers or toes, you idiot."

His face glowed as he exclaimed, "Got it, Boss," and ran back to his group to inform them of my order. Those two culprits cried out in protest as my men brought out their knives.

I closed my eyes, listening to their screams which was soothing in a strange way. At least it wasn't boring anymore.

I felt my cell phone buzzing in my jeans' pocket and pulled it out. Seeing Alena's name flash on the screen, a smile formed on my lips.

"Jace, oversee the unloading on my behalf for a few minutes," I informed and went inside the yacht, away from the noise.

Before I got the chance to even greet Alena, a tired whine came, "Where are yoouuuu? I'm in a dire crisis!"

"I'm outside with my friends," I lied bluntly.

Alena made some fake sniffles and said, "I'm exhausted from studying for these stupid midterms."

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