|Twenty Six: Heaven In Hiding|

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"And I can't tell Nancy about any of this?"

Cassius scoffed. "Did you not listen to my warning?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "We both know Nancy wouldn't believe you anyway, and don't worry about this royal asshole." He pointed to the vampire. "He wouldn't actually hurt you." A glare was sent his way from the Prince, but Sam absorbed it and moved on. "I'm sure Theo explained everything, but it's really important you keep this a secret, Nick."

The human eyed the group before him. His best friend, now in clean clothes but his wings still bloody, Cassius, now having an explanation for his pale skin and just general oddness, and Theo, his university friend studying law despite having magical powers. None of it made sense, yet he found himself unable to question any of it. What he was most shocked about, however, was the fact that Sam was romantically involved with someone. Never mind the fact that he was the Vampire Prince.

He couldn't wrap his head around that either. Cassius was dating the boy his father wanted to kill. And Sam for some reason didn't seem fazed at the fact he was essentially a walking target, wanted dead or alive.

"So what are you gonna do now?" was the only question Nick could think to ask.

A futile shrug from the angel. "I can't stay here. An assassin knows where I've been staying," He explained, the realisation only just hitting him. A gentle reminder that he had the mark of a killer- a real killer- on his back. One of the most feared beings in the magic realm, according to Cassius. Even Dracula was wary of the Death Whisperer.

"An assassin that for some reason decided to spare your life," Theo added.

"Correct," Sam said. He folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the kitchen counter for support. Cassius had taken it upon himself to sit on one of the bar stools, swinging from left to right, fully taking advantage of the stool's ability to move. As his torso twisted in Sam's direction, the angel placed a firm hand on his knee to stop him, a silent plea to sit still. He allowed the vampire to absentmindedly play with his fingers instead. "Part of me wonders if it was my dad that paid him to get me out of that cell. He's bound to be looking for me. I haven't answered a single message or phone call."

"Your dad has that kind of money?" Cassius asked, no judgement- just curiosity.

His wings rustled behind him, still sore but no longer stinging. "He managed to hide the magic realm from me for twenty one years. I imagine he's capable of stashing away some money."

"But if that was the case he'd know you were here," Nick argued. "And he only came by once in the time you were gone. He hasn't come back."

"Wait, he came by?" Sam asked.

"Yeah and he was with some other guy, older, quite tall, white trousers," Nick listed, wearing a thoughtful expression.

Sam's brows furrowed. "Uriel."

"Your trainer?" Cassius let Sam's hand fall, rubbing it over his jaw instead. The Prince took off the heavy crown he was still wearing, placing it on the kitchen counter next to the stove as if it wasn't adorned with priceless jewels. Gulping, Nick glanced at it, knowing that one object could probably pay off his entire college tuition.

The angel nodded. "I missed my training session this morning."

"You're still training during this mess?" An incredulous look spread across the wizard's features.

"Training?" Nick questioned.

Cassius rolled his eyes at how clueless the boy was, but when the angel sent him a warning look, he quietly huffed and allowed Sam to explain. "Angels hunt vampires. I need to be trained in many kinds of combat, and then there's weapons training. I mainly use a bow, but I'd like to think I'm pretty good with a sword," He boasted proudly.

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