|Thirty Six: My Shadow|

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The tunnels were almost pitch black, and Cassius found himself relying on his supernatural instincts to see ahead of him. However, so far all he saw was the back of Micah's head since the angel was leading the group, and the vampire was displaying an immense amount of self control by not knocking him out from behind. Dolphus was at the back of the single file line they had formed, clearly uncomfortable with how narrow the tunnels were. Where Cassius was lean and lithe, Dolphus was broad shouldered and muscular. They had only been walking for around ten minutes, but already the vampire was frustrated, knowing he could run there in a tenth of the time if he just knew the way. Sam's scent was faint, but it was still there.

"Can I ask how you know the way to manor?" Cassius asked curiously, directing the question at the angel who didn't seem fazed by it. Micah hadn't said more than a few words since they had started walking, only speaking when necessary. It seemed he wasn't fussed about making idle conversation with the vampire he had been hunting for years, and the son of his enemy.

"I've been sent to work here," he said vaguely.

Cassius couldn't help but chuckle. "You call killing people work?"

"Cass..." Dolphus warned.

Whirling on the vampire, pressing him into the wall of jagged rock, Micah snapped, "If this is going to work, Prince, you need to keep your pretty mouth shut."

Forcefully, the vampire shoved Micah off him, shooting him a menacing look that would have most people on their knees. But the angel just absorbed the silent warning, turning to continue down the seemingly endless tunnels. In the dark, Cassius' eyes glowed a fiery orange, rage fueled embers flickering in his irises.

Both the vampire and the werewolf listened to the sounds of dripping water, scuttling insects and scurrying rats that lived above them in the sewers. They were so deep underground that the air felt heavier, an odd pressure pressing down on them as they moved. Dolphus' feet were the heaviest of the three, his chunky boots crushing stones beneath their soles with every step. Each minute noise had Cassius becoming more irritated, his stomach rumbling and eyes tired from hunger. His friend could have at least brought a blood bag for him to get by, but alas, the vampire was starving. Even the rats were beginning to look appetising, and he could tell that Dolphus was thinking the same thing.

"So did you ever find those missing book pages?" Micah asked, causing Cassius to raise a curious brow when the angel turned around to glance at him. Now that the vampire looked at him, it was easy to tell that this man wasn't Sam's biological father. His hair was dark as night, eyes chocolate brown with olive skin. Whereas Sam's complexion was golden, hair auburn, eyes ocean blue- sunkissed.

"You know about the missing pages?" Cassius turned to give Dolphus a knowing look, warning him to be cautious about the topic. It was difficult to trust the angel who had wanted his species dead for centuries. They still had no idea where the man's loyalties lay.

With a sigh, Micah replied, "Yes, I know about the book and the prophecy and the missing pages. I know that Gavreel ripped them out and hid them."

Taking a gamble, Cassius told him, "We only found one, but it told us enough. I have no idea where the other one is."

"Nobody does," Micah confessed. "Not even Gavreel. Whatever was written on that page was a part of the prophecy he didn't want to come true. He tried to burn it, but it was unable to be destroyed," he explained. "The King stole the first page, and I'm guessing he tried to steal the other but it was already gone by that point."

"Someone else has it?" Cassius' brows furrowed.

There was another player in this game.

Nodding, Micah added, "And nobody knows what it says, other than Gavreel."

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