|Thirty Eight: Swingin Party|

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Sam was used to the chains that anchored him at all times of the day, not finding them uncomfortable as it felt like mist wrapping around his limbs. But somehow it kept him at bay. It was difficult to tell how long he had been in this cell for, despite the window that showed him the sun's movements. From what small amount of information he had gathered during his time there- a combination of regulated, scheduled meals and the change from day to night- it had been around three days since he had escaped only to be recaptured. It had been three days since his talk with Gavreel, whom he hadn't seen since. Aeron, on the other hand, had been the person to deliver his meals, dark eyes soft and sympathetic every single time he appeared. But Sam didn't even allow himself to glance at the dark angel for more than a second, instead resorting to twisting the ring on his finger that Aeron had gifted him- some sort of magic made him unable to pull it off. It was stuck there.

But nothing stuck like the memory of Gavreel standing over him as he lay there helpless.

"Hello, son," Gavreel said with a saccharine smile. "I'm sorry we had to meet again this way, but we have things to discuss."

The white of his robes was far too pure for the evil that shone behind his icy blue eyes. Behind him, Aeron said nothing, resorting to that 'sorry' fucking face that Sam couldn't stand. No apology would ever make up for this. Nothing could make up for this. Deep down he knew he was never escaping this, as there was nobody left to save him. If Cassius entered the Heavens in search of him, he'd burst into flames immediately, mere seconds before he fell to the ground- a pile of ashes.

"We couldn't have had this conversation over dinner?" Sam snapped, pulling at the restraints he could not see. However, from the slight movement of Aeron he noticed from the corner of his eye, it was clear it was his magic holding him in place.

"Funny," Gavreel mused with a grim smile. Sam looked up at his father and surveyed him. At first glance he looked youthful, having the gift of immortality which made him look as though he was only in his late twenties. However Sam saw straight through him, saw the weariness, tiredness, and thirst for power lurking beneath his glowing skin. Gavreel had abandoned his mother and for what? None of this made sense. "I was just like you when I was younger."

"We are nothing alike," Sam spat.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong. I was like you, the most powerful of my kind, foolish and reckless and willing to risk dying because of it. You have that little prince of yours wrapped around your finger and you don't even truly love him," Gavreel told him, the mention of Cassius causing Sam to jerk on the cot.

"You know nothing of my feelings for the Prince," he argued.

Aeron raised a curious, yet knowing brow.

"I know more than you think, Samuel," Gavreel drawled. "For the prophecy... The prophecy is a lie."

Sam's heart sank in his chest. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"What I mean, son, is that Cassius was never your true soulmate. Dracula killed my wife, and now I shall use you to kill who he loves most in the world- his son," Gavreel explained.

"But-" your wife is not dead, was what he wanted to say.

However, he found himself unable to speak, locking eyes with Aeron who was giving him a warning look. Do not reveal that information, was what Sam understood. How he read Aeron so easily, he didn't know. Instead, a choked sound escaped his lips in place of words, which had his father chuckling.

"When I found out Annie was dead after receiving her bracelet from a messenger, I knew what I had to do."

And Gavreel explained everything. He made a deal with Odessa, the Faerie Queen, to bind his first born with Dracula's first born. It did not matter the sex of the baby, as long as they were the heir to Dracula's throne. Gavreel promised Odessa freedom once the deed was done- once both the King and his heir were dead.

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