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Daisuke was looking over the phone numbers on a spare phone and comparing them to that of the list he had written down before.

"Daisuke! It's been a while since you've stopped by~"

"Hi, Suzie-san." Daisuke simply nodded at the brothel worker.

"Leave him be, kid's working on his next heist." another worker piped in.

The Bar/Brothel was now closed and the ladies were beginning to trickle out, heading home for the remainder of the night.

"Good work today ladies!" Goto smiled at them as they left.

"Whatever. We better be getting paid at least 5% more for the busy days 'Abe-san's' gonna be here!"


Goto only chuckled nervously before Daisuke piped in.

"He will! Goto-san's got enough for a 10% raise on those days!"


An excited cheer came from them ladies. "Let it be Daisuke-chan to ensure it~"

Soon the place was empty and everything cleaned out and ready for lights out.

"Got a couple numbers don't ya." Goto nodded at the notebook.

"I was out for maybe a month and you got more numbers on the notebook than I did at my peak." Daisuke sighed, scratching off familiar numbers.

"Why scratch them off? I worked hard on those." the man-child whined.

Daisuke rolled his eyes, flipping the page.

"The numbers you wrote down are from the ones who were caught. These are just calls the cops want to use to trace the number back."


"You didn't answer the phone did you?"

" 'course not! Told me to keep out of your business, did ya not?" Goto grunted pouring himself a drink.

"Good. Don't want my face associated with you."


Daisuke continued to look over the phone numbers.

"Can't believe the girls knew about your little side hustle before I picked it up." Goto commented, lighting a smoke.

"Excuse me, a child's in front of you." Daisuke grumbled.

"Since when? You started smoking five years ago!"

"As a 60 year old man who had amnesia and was practically peer pressured by your lovely customers." Daisuke shot back with a smile.

"Plus, they only found out because they sleep with the guys the day before a job."

"You do have a 65% success rate with other people." Goto commented.

"And 100% for myself. This is a killed or be killed situation. I only worry about myself and no one else during the assigned hours of work." the boy sighed before closing the notebook.

"You done?"

"Of course not. I'm taking this back with me. I'll leave it in your mailbox, so bring it back tomorrow." Daisuke instructed, waving away the smoke coming towards him.

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