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Daisuke stared at the screen, pausing every so often to grade or make a note of each student from their Heroics Practical exam.

"I'm getting paid overtime." he whispers moving on the next student and video footage, "I'm getting paid over time... I'm getting paid overtime..."

Aizawa asks from beside him, "How did they do for your exam?" also doing some grading.

Daisuke huffs, "Almost had a sleepover at school because a few insisted on figuring out how and which the cases fit together even after their time was up."

"Stubborn." Aizawa hums.


They resume their grading in silence. Daisuke continues to repeat his chant for future fortune.

Daisuke didn't think anyone would actually manage to figure out the entirety of his exam's purpose. Even if he did bluntly state it before handing out the cases.

A handful of them did catch on there was more to just the cases they were assigned and began working with other teams. Which was enough to just get them a passing grade. Extra points per question they didn't use on him.

"Why did the hero exam change so suddenly?" Daisuke asks. It had always been the same in years prior, fighting robots. A reason why he had centered his classes around going after actual villains for this term. The second term he would introduce actual confrontation with a villain, but it would appear the rat stole his idea and made a few changes.

"Fighting pro-heroes," Daisuke scoffed, "Like a fight would actually end with just handcuffs or crossing the finish line."

Aizawa doesn't want to argue, instead saying, "There's been a surge of villains after what happened with Stain. We needed to increase their quality of training–"

"So the bigwigs admit it training is lacking." Daisuke sneers, automatically marking Sero's grade a fail but still having earned 2 points.

"I was supposed to be the one to properly introduce them to real life battles. Not this dumb, still lacking, simulation." Daisuke reminded him. "It was on my teaching plan when I submitted it for review."

"Times are changing too quickly." Aizawa comments.

"And my class would have too as soon as I was done giving them a solid and unwavering ground foundation for them." Daisuke presses a little too hard on the paper, ink spreading over the students' grade.

"They're just kids right now." Daisuke sighs, "Most of them react on impulse without direction. I'm here to help them find it."

Daisuke marks the last of the students from his stack and slides it over to Aizawa, "Just because they're showing so much potential it doesn't mean they should be rushed out there."

Aizawa glances over to him, silently agreeing. But even he has things that are out of his hands.

* * *

Fortunately for all students who signed up for Daisuke's tutoring, they managed to pass their written exams. Everyone, excluding one, also passed his villains practical exam. (That one student being from 1-B.)

"Are you going with Aizawa for the summer?" Naomasa asks Daisuke, who is spinning around in a chair.

"Nah. I think I don't want to deal with the baby heroes for the summer. Gotta plan for the next thing on their list." Daisuke's eyes are closed, the speed of his spins picking up.

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