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"Seriously?" Daisuke asked the red feather, as though it could reply. Peeking around his surroundings, he figured he needed to follow the feather.

"I have both my guardians on speed dial." Daisuke mumbled to the feather. "Don't bother trying anything."

Turning towards the opposite way he was walking he followed the little red feather. Walking through streets which grew quieter and with a visible lack of people.

Daisuke followed and didn't question when the feather made a turn which headed into a small ally. Upon exiting said ally a black van awaited, feather hovering just alongside it.

And so, as schools teach kids not to follow strangers into an alley or to their cars; Daisuke did exactly that.

"Nice van." Daisuke commented, getting into the back passenger seat. Hawks beside him and two men in suits at the front.

"I'd like for my organs to go to poor kids in need please." Daisuke sighed, buckling in as the door slid closed automatically.

"Don't wanna be in some rich people's organ auction."

"We're not collecting your organs." Hawks kindly smiled.

"I doubt you'd want my lungs." Daisuke ignored him, glancing out the windows upon the van beginning its journey. "You should skip the liver while you're in there."

Hawks cleared his throat, "I spoke with the Head of the Hero Commission–"

"Boss lady. Yes. Did some research on her. Brave of her to have been openly against people with mutant quirks such as yours. Tell me, did you know she voted against a bill that would grant them government help? Of any kind?" Daisuke innocently grinned, leaning over the armrest to Hawks.

Hawks in turn smiled as well, "...She happens to be against your request to work alone. You'll need someone to show you around so that's where I–"

"I'm not working in an office. What's there to show around? Just contact me like you guys did before. Had to pick up baking because of it, might as well use it." Daisuke shrugged, leaning back in his seat.

Daisuke didn't miss the brow twitch from the hero.

"Yes. Well, apparently that was only done to catch your attention and a way to test your decoding of messages–"

"Or just an awful attempt at following my former way of communication. If they're taunting me just say so." Daisuke smugly side-eyed the pro hero.

"Not like I expect any sophisticated coding from the Hero Commission, with most of them being ignorant, brain-dead, and empty-headed."

Hawks narrowed his eyes at the boy (really only four years older than him) as Daisuke shifted every which way, opening and closing the small compartments which weren't supposed to be as easy to spot, unless you knew where to look.

"You have a good eye." Hawks commented.

Daisuke waved at him dismissively, replying, "Just curious. Why– there's four more back there– why so many?"

Hawks looked at the backseats. Indeed there were four more. "Who knows. Government vehicles I guess." he shrugged.

Daisuke released a very long and audible yawn, "So... where are we going?"

He wouldn't say but the road and path the van was going felt eerily familiar, becoming restless his leg began to bounce impatiently. "I've got a bed time now, just so you know."

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