Chapter 10

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"I locked myself out of my room, can I get a new room key please?" I asked the tall bellboy who was standing behind the main desk.

His beady eyes looked me up and down, "What room?"

"306, floor 6."

The bellboy grabbed the card and held it out to me. Right as I was about to grab it he pulled away smirking at me, "Would you maybe wanna go out sometime?"

I snorted, "No thanks." I ripped the card out of his long skeleton fingers before walking over to the elevator. The air conditioning made me shiver, I was still damp from just getting out of the pool.

Knowing that Camila probably wasn't going to let me in if I just knocked, I went to the main desk and got another room key. As I rode on the elevator I was nervous, what if she doesn't forgive me?

All I've done lately is hurt her. My stupid jealously and anger always got the best of me and I say things that I don't mean.

Why the fuck did I say we were girlfriends? It seemed like a good idea at the time. But now I feel like an idiot. That's probably why she got upset in the first place, but then I had to go off and pretty much call her slut.

Why did I call her that? She's anything but a slut. Calling her that didnt even make sense, she was just wearing a bikini... Well it was revealing but I loved it. She looked sexy as fuck especially the way it showed off her ass... damn I bit my lip at the thought of it.

I shook my head. I should be thinking of a way to fix this, not how sexy she looked.

Standing outside the door, I exhaled deeply. Dammit. I don't even know what to say. Where do I begin? How do I explain myself for saying that we were girlfriends? She's probably so grossed out and is probably packing all her shit to move into our parents room.

Taking another deep breath to calm my nerves I slid the card through the slot and opened the door. My heart broke in half when I heard sobbing coming from the bathroom.

Tears filled my eyes at the sound, knowing that I was the reason made me feel even worse. The sobs grew louder, my heart clenched as hot tears ran down my cheeks.

I quickly wiped them off as the bathroom door open. Camila froze, her eyes puffy and red from crying, it was obvious how insecure I had made her judging by how she was wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants, showing no skin other than her arms.

She brushed passed me, ignoring me completely. It hurt, but I deserved it. Hell, I deserve more than that, I should get the shit kicked out of me, but that wouldn't be enough to the amount of pain I have caused her.

"Camila," I started.

Her back was to me when she spoke, "Save your apology. Mom and dad are coming to take us out to lunch. So get ready and leave me alone."

When we were getting along her voice was filled with joy and excitement, but now it was so dull and weak


When I got out of the shower Camila was lying on her stomach, her face pressed into a pillow.

I had to fix this, tossing my towel and bikini on the floor next to my bed I walked over to hers, and sat down but she didnt move.

"Camila," I tried talking to her again but stopped when she rolled over onto her back and gave me a blank look, her eyes still puffy and red.

"Leave me alone, I have nothing to say to you."

"Then please listen to me."

She sat up, "Why should I listen to anything you have to say?" I opened my mouth to speak but she kept going. "All you're going to do is apologize for being mean, I'll forgive you, like I usually do, then ten minutes later you're either going to ignore me or hurt me even worse than before."

Not Something Sisters Do (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora