Chapter 34

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About time, right? Haha. There's a time jump here and it's something a little different.

Enjoy :)

Camila's POV

Loud voices and doors slamming shut woke Camila from her peaceful sleep. It took her a minute to figure out where she was, a room she was very familiar with. A smile on her face, she looked down at the beautiful girl sleeping on her chest, Lauren. Her girlfriend of 5 months.

The smile on her face dropped when she heard Clara yelling from downstairs, slowly prying Lauren's arms off of her, she left the room but not before giving Lauren a small kiss on the cheek.

Slowly creeping down the stairs, Camila saw the whole scene play out in front of her.

Clara was standing there with a pissed off expression on her face while her dad had a confused look on his.

"You know what Alejandro," Clara grabbed the keys off the table. "I'm leaving. I'll be back when you're no longer acting like a child."

Camila went unnoticed by Clara who stormed out of the house slamming the door behind her. She had never seen Clara so angry before, she couldn't help but wonder what made her this way. Was it her dad? Did he do something wrong?

Curiosity and concern led her into the kitchen where her dad was standing, staring blankly at the counter. Camila's heart dropped when she saw the way he wiped a tear that fell from his eye.


Startled, he quickly wiped his eyes and tried to put a smile on his face, but Camila could see the pain behind it.

"Mija, what are you doing up?"

"I heard you two yelling," she dismissed that, more concerned about her father's well-being. "Are you okay?"

He cleared his throat and nodded. "Go wake up Lauren, school starts in an hour."

Camila glanced at the clock on the wall, it was almost 5:30 in the morning, they had a lot of time before school started.

"If something was wrong, you'd tell me right?"

She remembered when it was just the two of them, the way he would tell her anything and everything whether good or bad, he would tell her. It hurt, that once him and Clara had gotten married the closeness between the two of them had faded. A while back when Lauren had asked Camila if she'd noticed how their parents were always gone, she lied and told her that it didn't bother her, of course it bothered her but she would never tell Lauren that. And she would never tell her dad that either, because this is the happiest he has been in years. Except for right now, this has been the first time she has seen him cry in a very long time, and it broke her heart.

"Mija," he came over to her and hugged her tightly. "Everything is fine. I'm fine."

"If you were, you wouldn't be crying."

"Camila, even tough old guys like your papi need to cry too."

A sad laugh escaped her lips as she hugged him tighter. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay, Camila. I'm perfectly fine." Even though deep down Camila knew something was wrong, she was going to ignore that feeling in the pit of her stomach and believe him when he said everything was fine.


Lauren's POV

I watched as Normani tried to take a hit from Devon's poor excuse for a pipe. She inhaled as the flame from her lighter went inside of the small bowl, once she exhaled nothing came out of her mouth. I laughed.

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