Chapter 40

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Extreme fluff mixed with alcohol use and other cute funny stuff all adding up to 22,000 words! I added songs to listen to during the party and I tried to time it correctly so it fits in the chapter!

Sorry if it's too long I know some people hate that but.....

Enjoy :)

I lock my bedroom door and grab my favorite blanket off my bed along with my phone and charger and head to the next room after changing into some sweatpants and a t shirt. Since my parents aren't going to be home for another hour or two, I want to spend some quality time with Camila before they get back and before we go to the party tonight.

In all honesty, Camila and I haven't gotten that much alone time since my family came into town, the only time we get in private is at night when everyone has already gone to sleep. It sucks not being able to have the house to ourselves like we had before, but at least I get to sleep and wake up next to the love of my life... and also have incredible sex in the middle of the night too.

Opening the next bathroom door leading into Camila's bedroom, a smile forms on my face when I see her small figure sitting on the blue fluffy chair in the corner with big headphones on and her eyes closed as she strums her guitar.

I set my things down and plug my phone into the outlet next to Camila's big bed. Then I make my way over and take seat in front of her, crossing my legs and admire. She's so beautiful, my heart fills with joy seeing Camila in her element. Her long eyelashes, button nose, define jawline, and her pink lips. When her dark brows furrow together as she strums and changes chords, I can't help but giggle at her cuteness. I love her so much.

Camila's eyes widen when she finally opens them and notices my presence. She pushes her headphones back around her neck as her lips curve into a shy smile.

Leaning down, she presses her lips against mine in a chaste kiss and my heart swoons.

"How long have you been watching me?"

"Not very long," I shrug adjusting myself to kneel and sit back on my heels.

Camila tucks a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear, and sets her guitar and headphones down on the floor beside me. She says something but I get distracted when her pink tongue darts out to wet her lips, I bite my bottom lip instinctively. Her brown eyes meet mine and she squints, playfully.

"Can I help you?" She teases getting close to my face.

Her minty breath fans my face and a breath of my own catches in my throat.

I literally have the hottest, most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Hands down.

Right as I'm about to open my mouth to speak, Camila leans forward and captures my lips with her own in a hungry kiss.

I immediately melt into the kiss and a moan erupts from my chest, my hands move up and grasp her bare knees as I lean forward. My fingers trail up her smooth thighs until they brush against the fabric of her cotton shorts.

My heart thumps loudly against my chest as both of Camila's hands reach out and cup my cheeks as she deepens the kiss, swiping her tongue against my lower lip before using her thumb and pointer finger to tilt my chin and presses her tongue passed lips, rolling her smooth tongue along mine. I will never be able to get over how amazing Camila is at kissing. She's better than I am, I swear.

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