Chapter 4

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I woke up warm. Very warm, but I felt refreshed and relaxed. Underneath me was the heat source, I snuggled more into it.

The smell of shampoo filled my nostrils, my eyes opened immediately. I didnt move my body just my head. Once again my heart started slamming against my chest when I realized what the smell was coming from, my head was rested on Camila's chest, my whole entire body was pretty much on top of her, my arms were tightly wrapped around her torso holding myself to her and my legs were tangled in hers.

I quickly detached myself, as if it burned. I felt awkward. Like what the hell. I was used to sleeping in my bed. Alone. I don't really have people sleeping in the same bed as me, Normani did once but I pushed her off because she kept kicking me in her sleep, she's never slept in the same bed as me again. But this was different, I was just cuddling with my SISTER on my bed in a non sisterly way. I can't explain why I felt so refreshed and relaxed and just... I don't know.. Good?

Whatever the feeling is it needs to go away, soon. "Camila get up." I shook her, I need to take a shower and I can't if she's in here. The bathroom is connected to my room and hers but right now I'm freaked out and just don't want her in here.

She frowned, in between her eyebrows formed a little v. It was actually really cute. 'Stop, Lauren! Knock it off!' I scolded myself in my head.

Camila rolled on her side, turning her back to me. I shook her harder, "Camila! Get up!" I said loudly.

She sat up with her eyes still closed, "I'm trying to sleep stop it." And dropped back down again.

I laughed, is she serious?

"Camila go to your room," I shook her again. "I need to shower and stuff."

She groaned loudly, I forgot she's not a morning person. "Lauren just shower its not like I'm gonna go in there or anything."

I rolled my eyes, "Camz stop being difficult and go to your room."

She turned slowly with a brow raised, "Camz?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, "Yes, its shorter than Camila thats like 3 syllables long."

She sat up her hair was the definition of bed head. But I didnt say anything just smiled. "I like it."

"Cool, now get out please." I said as nicely as I could without being a bitch.

She rolled her eyes and got up stretching, "Thanks for letting me sleep here last night. That thunder and lightning was really scary."

I stood up as well, "Yeah." I said shortly still awkward about how I woke up.

"I'll be in my room," she said grabbing the blanket she brought and left.

I let out a deep breath I didnt even realize I was holding in. I really don't know what my deal is, I've never really paid much attention to Camila, as awful as that sounds its true.

After taking a long shower, I changed into a pair of leggings and a tank top and headed downstairs. Camila was by the stove her back to me, making something.

"Camz, what are you making?" I blurted out the new nickname. I don't even know where that came from it just rolled off my tongue.

She turned and smiled, "Breakfast."

"What kind of breakfast?"

"The good kind."

I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully, "Tell me!"

"Bacon and eggs."

I nodded, "Sweet."

I walked over to the patio door and looked outside into the backyard. "Holy shit," I muttered, there were leaves and branches all over the yard some of the lawn furniture was thrown upside down all over the place.

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