53 | Believe - Part I

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- Warning! Depictions of PTSD, victim-blaming and gaslighting! -

(Italics are parts of a flashback.)

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.


Angletonia, April 1926

"Cal!" Olivia waved her gloved hand at him as he came to pick her up at a hotel near the station. She had returned from her visit home, and her parents would be arriving in the capital within a week.

"My darling." He swept her into a corner and pulled her into a deep kiss. He considered the rule about avoiding public displays of affection honestly pretty lame. "How I've missed you."

It had been over a month since that strange night, but Cal never made any attempts to confront Olivia about it. He was too scared to find out the truth. For now, he would just convince himself that he had, in fact, slept with Olivia and his fiance had been gone in the morning long enough for Isleen to take advantage of the situation; making it look like she was the one sleeping with him.

Since that incident, Cal had limited his interactions with the Southern girl and preferred to stay silent if she was in the room. Strangely enough, Isleen had also stopped trying to approach him, so it was easier for him to sweep the whole thing under a rug.

"So how do you like my new hairstyle? I plan to keep it for our wedding." Olivia ran her fingers over her newly cut straight bob; a style that had been popularized by the elite socialites in the past few years. Knowing Olivia, he was sure that she could try any hairstyles and still look beautiful.

"Gorgeous. Come on; Mother has been looking forward to seeing you."

Estelle had invited her over to have dinner at the palace upon her arrival. She was determined to help Cal make Olivia feel welcomed in the imperial family, despite Callisto still insisting on his choice of Isleen. He was officially engaged to Olivia after all, and there was no turning back.

If only his father knew what happened behind his back.

As they arrived in the gallery, Cal was taken aback to see Isleen already there. Olivia wasn't aware of who she was aside from being someone from a supposedly fallen noble family of the Southern Isles; so she paid her no mind and Cal had no intention to change that. The only time she gave her the slightest attention was when she ran a condescending look over her from top to bottom; analyzing her hair and wardrobe which had been obviously out of season for a few decades.

Isleen, however, remained calm as she sat perfectly poised like a porcelain doll. Perhaps, that' was why his father liked her.

"How do you like my new hair, Maman?" Olivia twirled, showing off her new bob to his mother after their initial greetings, to which the latter responded fondly.

Trying to distance himself from such thoughts for the moment he wandered to the corner to get a drink when Isleen approached him.

"Feel this," she suddenly said, grabbing his hand and putting it over her belly. "This is your child."

As if zapped by lightning, Cal withdrew his hand instantly. "What the devil?"

Isleen simpered like she didn't just shake his world. "That night you made love to me, you got me with child." Her smile changed into an amused one, "Are you surprised?"

What? What is this? Another trick?

Cal's hands tightened their grip around his glass before they started to shake. For that split second, everything felt surreal, like one of his nightmares had come true. He should've slapped her, screaming for his mother to expose her lies and threats. But his stupid body remained frozen as he said, "That's bollocks. I never slept with you."

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