26 | Indecent Proposal

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(Italics are for dialogues spoken in Prajan language.)

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.

Gigi was enthusiastic to welcome her little brother into Angletonia; even going to the port to pick him up herself. She was all prepared, putting on a Kebaya just so he'd be able to recognize her, and bringing him Angletonian sweets.

Even though things were still a little awkward between her and her husband after the incident, she respected his courage to inform her of his condition and was grateful that he even thought of bringing her brother over. It would distract her from her marriage issues for the moment.

Aravin was the youngest among the Queen of Praja's children. The situation of his birth was peculiar since the Queen hadn't been expecting to have any more children after Gigi was born twelve years earlier. So it came as quite a surprise when she realized she was pregnant.

Back home, he always liked to spend time with Gigi, being too young to accompany his elder brothers to political events or sports games.

As the ship docked, the Prajan prince could be seen dashing down the port and jumped right into her arms. "Gigi! I thought I would never see you again!" he bounced back and forth as his sister caught him.

The Empress knelt to his eye level. "Now that you're here, we can agree that's not true," she giggled, pinching his cherubic face.

On their way to the palace, Gigi had to hold her brother back from sticking his body out of the car window, mesmerized by the view of Angletonian architecture.

I believe Chandra and Ramlan will be so jealous to know that I'm here!" Aravin chirped, recalling his half-brothers. "I knew I was going to go around the world."

Gigi beamed, knowing that he'd always had this adventurous side. It broke his heart whenever his elder brothers went out riding without him.

"So now that I am staying here. we can be together again!" he declared, enveloping Gigi's body in a tight hug.

"Of course," she confirmed.

"Can we play and eat and play again?" asked the Prajan prince with big, hopeful eyes.

"We sure can," replied Gigi.

"Just the two of us?" Aravin smiled, blinking up at her.

"Yes— I mean, no. Sadly, it cannot be just us," she corrected, giggling.

Aravin pouted. "Why not? Who else are we having?"

"Well, you're staying in the imperial palace for the summer. You'll get to see the Emperor and his son."

"The Emperor?" His expression turned sour at the mention of Cal. "The evil man who took you away from us? I'll kill him!"

"He's not evil!" Gigi blurted, surprised by her own sudden reaction. "I mean he's really good and gentle, Vin. I believe you'd like him, he's rather good with children."

Aravin scowled. "You said you wanted nothing to do with him last time. What happened?"

Gigi cleared her throat, struggling to hide the reddening of her cheeks. "I made some errors in my judgment."

"What did he do to you?" He lunged forward, placing his tiny palms on Gigi's shoulders. "Tell me!"

"Nothing particularly bad?" Gigi gulped, heartbeat racing up. She couldn't possibly tell his brother about everything that Cal had done to her... he's not even seventeen yet.

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