33 | Into the Woods

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(Italics are for dialogues spoken in Prajan language.)

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.


Cal Junior paced Inferno deep into the woods as they galloped away from the palace. Tears of betrayal trickled down the sides of his face, pain throbbing in his chest.

He was upset, angry and betrayed. At his father, and at Gigi too.

First, why did his father have to leave him without a word? Why wouldn't he take him along? Why didn't Gigi wake him when she received the telephone call? Why did she get to talk to his father and leave Junior out of it? It was unfair.

Honestly, he just wanted to see Papa. To hear just a single word from him. He didn't know when he would be back, or if he'd be back at all. The fact that he could do nothing about it crushed him from the inside out.

He wasn't used to not getting his way.

So he left. Not that he knew where to go— To find his father if he could. But although he couldn't, he just had to go. Escape! From this reality, from this trap; wishing he could just wake up from it like a bad dream.

But, another voice from his conscience said, it was cruel to throw those words at Gigi. He had said it out of spite and frustration, unable to find a good cause of his father leaving and needed to put the blame on something. Cal felt that he had been wronged, thus he wanted to get even. It wasn't right to direct his anger at her.

Cal sighed between his ragged breathing and pulled Inferno to a halt. He reached down the coal-black stallion, patting the side of his neck. "I am sorry, Inferno. Let's go back."

As he turned Inferno back to the way home, he was suddenly blocked by an unfamiliar figure. Tall and caped, they slowly pushed back their hood, revealing the face of a middle-aged man. He looked rather well-dressed, though his choice of clothing was somewhat out of time.

A peasant?

"There you are, dear. We meet at last..." A sly smile grew across his lips, his blue eyes widening with interest as if he'd just discovered something.

Cal squeezed the reins tight in hands as Inferno snorted, ears perked up, alert. "Who are you? What do you want?!"

The man's eyes lit up at that, but he didn't do much more than tilt his head and continued to smile at him. "Look at me, boy. You look at me and tell me who I am."

"I do not know you! Move now, and you shall be unharmed!" ordered Cal, getting agitated. He wasn't in the mood to play games, let alone with this stranger. "Didn't you hear, I command you! I am Cal Velius—"

"Velius." The stranger cackled, his cold blue eyes fixed on him as he marched toward him. "That is my name, boy."

Cal's eyes widened. "I warned you. If you don't step aside... I will have to forcibly remove you!" He raised his hand, ready to strike. Although it would be risky to reveal his powers, this mugger had given him no choice. Being the heir of an empire made him a fine target for a bunch of enemies. He could be kidnapped or worse, killed.

"Very well, then." The man stretched his arms open, drawing his attention to the star constellation embroidered on his chest. Two of the five starts were burnt. "Hit me."

Having little time to think, Cal gathered every bit of magic within him and blasted the man, attempting to shove him out of the way, but the stranger swung his hand and blocked it as if it was nothing.

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