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Dedicated to Chemu 1504
Kimberly's POV
I never thought I would live to see the day when Xander would be sleeping next to me and holding me like he didn't want me to disappear. It just seems like a dream and I just can't get myself to be cautious because even though I agreed to this and he makes me happy, I can't seem to shake off the feeling that there is some hidden agenda that I can't see and of that blind spot. This sight before me is something that I have been lacking and he just looks like a wonder when he's asleep and it is such a pleasant image and I wish he could see how he looks when he's calm and not walking around wearing a sullen face and ill temper hovering over him. I just hope there would be other morning moments like this and with that even though reluctantly, I went to the bathroom to shower then after getting dressed I went downstairs to make breakfast for my husband. I made waffles,eggs,coffee and bacon. As I was squeezing the juice Xandebr came and hugged me from behind.

"What is my beautiful wife doing up so early yet she's not yet recovered completely," he said all the while he was nuzzled in my neck and his breath made my thoughts and actions jumbled. I can't explain but this feelings he's the only person that can evoke them but this is such an intimate action and yet he's very comfortable doing it in the kitchen and maybe someone might just come in and see us. I turned around abruptly and pushed him an action that caught him off- guard and he let me go.

"We can't do this here in the kitchen because someone might see us-," I said continuing to squeeze the juice,"- and I would be so embarrassed," I finished and I could already feel blood rush to my cheeks when I imagined someone walking in on us in such a compromising situation.

"I don't care about anyone seeing us being intimate since this is my house and secondly you are legally my wife and am entitled to show you how much you mean to me any where and at any time and nobody can stop me,"he finished and he pushed me up against the counter and started kissing my lips. His angel lips tasted so delicious and I was already addicted to them. He asked for entrance and when I denied he squeezed my butt and when I gasped he plunged his tongue into my mouth and my romantic novels heroes hold nothing against him. He then kissed my cheek as he trailed heading towards my neck and his lips sucking and biting made me almost lose control. I don't mean to be inconsiderate but this is too much considering we just decided to make us work yesterday and although I was reluctant to stop this heavenly torture of pleasure, I gently pushed him then I placed a lingering kiss on his lips then," As much as I enjoy this we should have our breakfast before it gets cold," him being the teaser that he is," I think I'd rather skip breakfast and have this yummy dessert I just discovered and it's your lips," he complimented and I went back to be a blushing mess bit also really happy because he enjoyed kissing me and then realisation hit me, he was my first kiss and he was really amazing. As I was lost in my thoughts he helped me down the kitchen counter and helped to bring food to the table then we sat down to eat and spent the rest of breakfast chatting and it was so much fun to tease him about his adventures back in the days when we was in school with Harry, Mariano and Kyle. After breakfast he asked the servants to clear the table and he took me upstairs and after several warnings not to work he left to go answer some calls in his study not without another heated make out session.

I was sleeping when I had whispers around me," Do you think it's wise to wake her up? She might still need rest since she isn't yet recovered," then another voice answered," Yeah we should probably just leave her alone or else Alex might just murder us for disturbing her when he specifically asked us not to come upstairs," just when I thought it might be a dream I heard the familiar voice of my dear husband," You just love acting like children when you really are adults. She should rest so that she recovers faster but you just don't get that and for that you are barned from coming to this house up until she has recovered and has been cleared by the doctor, so do me a favor and get out before I drag you," he said seriously and I felt bad that I was the reason for Xander's rude behavior so I decided to come to their rescue," I think you guys should stay because am so bored out of my mind and am sick and tired of sleepingplus I've missed you three," I said and pouted in order to make them agree.

They came back and sat beside me and then Kyle said," Sorry Alex,the princess has spoken and you can't do anything to kick us out-," then he turned his attention to me," So little lady since you are so bored what would you like to do? Please say painting because your fine art has helped me score a lot of ladies, since am such a master of fine art," he said with an elegant British accent and it made us all laugh at his silliness. " Oh come on Kyle they didn't go out with you because of Kiki's paintings only but also because am an excellent wingman, wouldn't you agree Harry?" Mariano asked and all the attention turned to Harry since we were waiting for his answer and eventually he spat," Kim don't listen to this two fools,they just love joking around but seriously what do you want to do for fun?" He asked and after giving it much thought I decided on watching movies and later on have dinner while they tell me some other adventures they had when they were young. While we were on our third movie, Xander got a call and at first he ignored it but then his phone vibrated again with a text notification and when I glanced at the screen, I saw it was from Vanessa. He immediately got up and went out of the theater and even though I was really curious why she was calling and texting him even though she was fired and how she had his number I decided to trust him and went on watching the movies with the guys and we were laughing so much since it was so funny. He came back a few minutes later and told me he had to go sought out some things in the office and he would be back before dinner and after giving me a kiss on the forehead and the guys teasing us for our mushy behavior,he left but my gut feeling told me that he was going to meet her and not going to the office. We watched ' The sleepover' and when it finally ended we went to the kitchen and the guys helped me cook dinner then we set then table and waited for Xander to arrive. It was getting late and he was not yet back so I served the guys and as they ate they told me some more stories and soon after they left. Two hours later I was still staring at the food I had cooked and no husband and I was just so disappointed and so I went upstairs and placed pillows under the blankets to make it seem like I was sleeping and went back downstairs to busy myself reading a novel. At around two in the morning I heard the front door open and I came out of the library and saw him. He looked really disorganized and if I didn't know better I would say thoroughly fucked. I didn't want him to see me so I hid behind the library door and he climbed the stairs and headed for our room. I followed him and he entered the room cautiously as if he didn't want to be heard and went to the bathroom to freshen up and since I didn't feel like starting a fight at this hour I just went back to what I was doing. After some time I heard him calling my name," Oh you are back, but why are you shouting my name at this time, just go to sleep am fine," I said coldly and went back to the library and locked the door behind me. He came and started knocking," Kim please open the door you know you are supposed to be in bed asleep. Please open the door love, I know I stood you guys up but it's only because the work I was doing took long than expected but please stop being angry at me," when his pleas got too much I plugged my earpods and put on some music to drown out the noise but that didn't work either so I just put my book down and opened the door but I didn't want to hear anything so I just walked past him and although he was hot on my trail I didn't stop and went straight  to bed. I turned off the lights on my side and left him talking to himself. I heard him sigh then went to his side of the bed and I finally heard the bed dip. He kept on tossing and turning and I decided to cut him some slack so I pretending to be in deep sleep, I turned to his side and placed my hand on his waist and I felt him turn and pulled me to himself and placed my head on his chest and I snuggled closer and a smile broke out my lips. I finally fell asleep and decided to just forgive him because I maybe was just presumptuous about him going to meet Vanessa.

Sometimes even though we choose to give somebody a chance even after they have screwed up, it will take time to trust them and also patience from the other party. Kimberly has willed her trust and love to Xander's and although she wants to fully trust him,it will take sometime and he has to be patient. Its just a pity that what Kiki thinks to be a real relationship is just a mirage that Xander is putting up for his Dad so that he can get his inheritance back.😔

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