Chapter 24

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I couldn't help but worry about Nikki. It had been a few days since that morning I saw him on the couch looking like he'd just seen a ghost. I'd barley talked to him since... none of us had. He'd been in a bad mood. He barely came out of him room, but when he did he didn't say a word, he was just out the door.

Apparently Tommy had talked to him, so I asked what happened. He said Angie broke up with him and he's taking it really hard.

I couldn't believe it, they were so good together... and damnit I really liked Angie.

It's not like I can hangout with her now...
Nikki was completely wrecked.

What did Angie do to him??? I actually tried calling her a couple times to ask her what happened but it went straight to voicemail.

It was such bad timing too, the boys just released their first album. Everyone was so excited. And now we're all bummed because Nikki's so..... I don't know. He's just not Nikki.

Tommy's POV (1 week later)

We just released the album last month and today I found out we had already sold 10,000 copies! It's crazy man! I was totally pumped. We decided to go out and celebrate. We went down to the rainbow and got some drinks. I wanted to bring Elaine....but she dumped me last week. The same day Angie dumped Nikki. He's been so bummed I was getting concerned.

Usually Nikki never took breakups as hard as I did. I cried for 3 days when Elaine said it was over... but Nikki's never like that.

I guess Angie was special. Because Nikki wasn't talking to any of us. Not me or Vince, not even Y/N. I walked into his room the other day and it looked like he was crying. He saw me, threw a bottle at my head and yelled at me to get out. Luckily I ducked and the bottle hit the door.

We all left Nikki alone from that point on.

But he came out of his room for the first time today when we found out about the album sales. And I think I actually saw him smile.

He gave us a high five but still didn't say much.

When Vince suggested we all go out for drinks all he did was mutter a quiet "sure" but that was it.

I guess it's an improvement though.


We got to the rainbow and Tommy and Vince seemed in a good mood, Tommy was still a little sad about Elaine but I'm sure he'd forget all about her once he started drinking.

I didn't feel like getting completely hammered tonight, I was just gonna have a few drinks and try to have some fun. Hopefully Nikki would loosen up as well. I feel terrible. I'd never seen him this upset.

We got ourselves a nice big table. I sat between Vince and Nikki, with Tommy sitting next to Nikki and a spot left open for Mick right next to Vince. We got comfortable and ordered up some drinks. I ordered myself a vodka lime and soda. Once we got our drinks we saw Mick walking up to us.

"Hey Mick!!!" I shout, being the first one who spotted him.

They all yell a hello to Mick as he walks up yo the table with a smile.
It was nice seeing Mick smile, I don't see him do it too often.

He takes a seat next to Vince and orders himself a drink.

We had some food and a few drinks and now we were just hanging out, talking about the album. It was originally all of us but Tommy and Vince had both got up from the table to go chat with some friends.

Mick, Nikki and I were still hanging out around the table. Nikki seemed to have lightened up. He was laughing now and seemed a lot happier than he was before. It made me feel a lot better knowing that he was alright.

I don't know why but I've always really cared about Nikki. When he gets sad I'm sad, I feel like I worry about him too much... I'm not sure why. I can just tell that Nikki hasn't had it easy in his life. I want to be there for him. Seeing him so upset really broke my heart. And now seeing him okay seemed to make my night.

Nikki's POV

I was starting to feel a lot better now. I was still really pissed about what I saw that day... but I tried not to think about it. The album was selling, my friends are here, I'm having a good time! Nothing to be sad about... atleast that's what I keep telling myself...

We were joking around, Y/N was laughing out loud at some stupid sarcastic joke Mick had made. I stop to take a sip of my drink and I look over at Y/N and I noticed her smile fade away. I was immediately concerned. Her expression shifted from happy to sad pretty fast.

My eyebrows push together in concern as I place my cup on the table.

"Y/N...? You alright?" I ask quietly, placing my hand on top of hers that was resting on the table.

She looks over at me quickly.

"Yeah. I'm alright." She says inhaling a sharp breath. That was a damn lie and I knew it.

Mick gives me a look, he knew something was wrong too.

She clears her throat and suddenly stands up, clutching the strap of her purse on her shoulder.

"Um... I'm gonna go outside for a cigarette. I'll be right back." She says shakily as she walks away from the table, making her way to the door.

I look at her, and then look at Mick with a kind of "what just happened?? What do I do??" Look.

He shrugs his shoulders and sips his drink, clearly having no idea.

I decide to get up and follow her to see if she's okay. As I'm making my way to the door I see Vince... and a girl. The were extremely close, Vince had his hands on her hips and a smirk on his face, obviously flirting... well not flirting, more like trying to get some. Now I know what's up.


Think I might post another chapter with this tonight! I've kept y'all waiting long enough.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now