Chapter 2

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written by nikkisixxsforehead:

June 4, 1981

"Alright, I'm going to work!" I call out to the boys, even though Vince is the only one in the living room, Tommy and Nikki are probably in their rooms because I hear them yell 'Later!'.

"Woah, woah, woah, where's your uniform?" Vince stops me from exiting the apartment and I give him a look, "Come on, is it because of what Tommy said?"

"I don't wanna entertain your fetishes."

"None of us even have a maid fetish." I raise a brow. If he didn't have a fetish, he wouldn't be doing all this.

"Are you sure?" He's left a little speechless, like he's asking himself if he does actually have one and is reevaluating his whole life, "Bye, Vince."

I don't even make it 10 steps down the street before I hear Tommy calling my name. "Y/N!" I look back up at the apartment and he's up in his window. Oh God, what now? "Can you get us some dinner on your way home please babe?" I give a thumbs up which he returns and start walking again.

Nikki's POV

Tommy shuts the window with a dopey smile on his face, "She's so hot."

Vince shakes his head, "Nah, man. I called her."

"You can't call a girl." Tommy crosses his arms over his chest and squints at Vince.

"Yes, I can. I just did."

"What if she doesn't like you and likes one of us?" I finally join in on the conversation.

"It's not about liking, it's about who she wants to fuck." Vince laughs and so does Tommy... until he sees the look on my face.

"What? Do you like her?" Now, all the attention is turned to me.

"No, I wanna fuck her just as much as you two do." I cross my arms over my chest... well, it wasn't exactly a complete lie.

"Whoever's first to fuck her gets 100 each from the other losers- 200 in total." Oh, shit, I could really do with 200 right about now, "And bragging rights." Vince adds.

"And whoever's last has to buy coke for 2 months." Tommy further adds.

"What about second?" I ask, curiously.

"Second has to live with the fact that they weren't first." Fair enough, "Deal?" We all nod and exchange hand shakes with one another. I don't know if it was just me, but I didn't really know where I stood with betting on Y/N.

As soon as we're done shaking hands, Tommy makes a beeline towards her bedroom. Vince and I give each other confused looks and follow after him- only to find him just standing there, looking like a lost puppy, "What're you doin'?"

"I was gonna clean her room." He sighs. Oh, Tommy.

"Dude, she's a maid." Vince laughs.

I take this chance in Y/N's room to take a look around. Nice room, cute, matched her style somehow. When I glance over at her calendar, I see 7 boxes coloured in red. It's a whole week away... Is she not going to be here? Is she... Is she dying her hair?... Oh... oh, hmmm. I totally forgot about that, "I gotta go, I'll be back soon."

Your POV

I turned the doorknob with one hand and kicked it with my foot, both hands occupied by the bag of Chinese food in my hand, "Hey." I greet them as they sit scattered among the living room.

"Heyyyy." Vince's voice overpowers the rest of the them so his is the only one I can hear.

I just smile and place the bags of food onto the coffee table. "Dinner." There was enough for everyone so I wasn't worried about them not leaving me any left while I got unready. I quickly walked into my room and shut the door. I started taking out my hair and put all the bobby pins on my desk, halting when I see a wide variety of... menstruation utilities. I don't remember ever buying these- especially since I'm on the pill and it throws off my period- but since I ran out of pills, I knew it was coming in the next week while I wait for my pills, so I planned on buying them but haven't gotten around to- I even marked my calendar for it too. Could... Could the guys have bought them for me? Only one way to find out, "Hey, guys?" I open the door to my bedroom and walk further into the living room so they can see me, "Did you buy me... these?" I hold up the two boxes of Pads.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now