Chapter 23

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The next day.


I woke up with Vince's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I was so tired and comfortable I wished I could just stay there forever, I cursed in my head remembering that I had to go to work.

So gently I wiggled out of his grip and he turned over, mumbling something in his sleep making me giggle. I ruffle his hair before grabbing my clothes from the floor, throwing my shirt over my head and attempting to sneak back to my room.

Something caught my eye on the way.
I paused, looking behind me.

"Nikki?" I said in surprise as I turned around to see Nikki slumped in a chair with a beer in hand.

He looked out of it. He was staring ahead at the T.V... but nothing was on the screen. It was off. I internally sighed in relief when o realized he hadn't noticed I walked out of Vince's bedroom. But I was concerned about him. Something was wrong.

I was gonna ask why he was up so early, but I realized that probably wasn't the case.

"Have you been up all night?" I ask.

He turns his head to me slowly, he was moving so slow it was kinda freaking me out. He looked like every time he moved he was pushing through mud.

"Yeah." He replies in a deep rasp.

I start walking closer to him slowly, eyebrows knitting together with a look of concern.

"Nik.... are you alright?"

He didn't say anything. Just looked at the floor and nodded really slowly.

"Okay..... are you sure?"

He sighed, seeming a little frustrated that I was bugging him.

Taking a deep breath and laying back he replied,


I nodded. Staring at him a little longer before walking away. I didn't want to bug him any longer. I know how much Nikki hates when people ask him too many questions.

I walked back to my room, heading straight to my bathroom to take a shower, looking in the mirror and realizing I had just been talking to Nikki that whole time while wearing only underwear and a shirt.

I guess it doesn't matter because he didn't look at me once. I want to make sure he's okay but he would just get mad if I kept asking.

I take off my clothes and take a quick shower. Afterwards I hop out, dry my hair, throw on a little makeup and get in my work uniform.

As I grab my keys and walk down the hallway again I see Nikki, now asleep on that same couch, in a fetal position cuddling a pillow.

I smile at how adorable he looks, before grabbing the blanket that had been hanging over the back of the couch and draping it over him gently.

As I stand back up I notice something on his face that makes me furrow my brows and bend down to floor closer... under his eyes there were black stains running down his cheeks from his eyeliner. He'd been crying.

I frowned, putting my hand gently on his forehead, brushing his hair for his face.

I leaned down, kissing his forehead gently.

"It'll be okay Nikki." I whispered, running my hand through his hair one last time before standing up and leaving for work.

Nikki's POV

Well that was hell. After seeing her with Vince last night I had to see her walk out of his bedroom this morning too?

This is bullshit.

My brain was all cloudy considering I'd been drinking, and smoking the little bit of pot that I had all night.

But it still hurt.

She asked me if I was okay and of course I just told her yes so I didn't have to talk to her any longer. When she finally walked away I started crying again. I feel like a fucking loser. I never cry.

But tears just started falling from my eyes as soon as she walked away.

I decide to lay down and finally try to sleep. I was fucking exhausted. I couldn't sleep all night. But now I was so tired I think I'll finally be able to get some sleep for atleast a couple hours.

I grab one of the little pillows sitting on the couch and squeeze it in my arms. I always do that when I'm sad and I don't know why... maybe I just need someone to hold.... but I don't have anyone anymore since Angies gone...

So a pillow will have to do.

I cuddle the pillow and drift off the sleep.

Soon I feel a presence around me I couldn't tell who it was but I knew someone was there.

Y/N placed her hand on my forehead, I opened my eyes to see her standing above me, she looked like an Angel.... no really. An actual Angel!

She was wearing a long white dress, her hair was long and wavy and sitting on her shoulders perfectly...

Her face was gorgeous as always, and she smiled down at me.

She looked beautiful.

She brushed my hair away from my face, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"It'll be okay Nikki...." I heard her say.

I suddenly felt so much better, just hearing those words from her.

I smiled at her and then all the sudden she disappeared.

I shot up, turning my head in every direction.

"Y/N?? Y/N!!!!" She was nowhere, I kept reaching out for her but she was gone.

"Y/N!!!!!" I screamed this time, I got up running around to look for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. Then all the sudden the whole room was black. I wasn't even in the apartment anymore, it was just some black tunnel.

Then she appeared again at the other end of it. As soon as I saw her I started sprinting towards her as fast as I could.

"Y/N!!" I yelled as I reached for her.

Then I saw Vince.

My eyes widened. I kept running, but Vince suddenly wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her away, then he ran, pulling her with him.

"NIKKI!!! HELP!!!" She screamed.

I was running as fast as I could but the two of them were gone. I was left in complete blackness.

"No... NO NO NO!!!" I yelled, falling to my knees.

I opened my eyes, taking in a sharp breath.

Jesus Christ. I'm having fuckin nightmares again.

I lay back and try to catch my breath for a few minutes. I bring my hands up to rub them over my face, and I feel something sticky on my forehead.

I look at my finger to realize it's pink lipgloss.

I turn my head looking at the door...

So she was there. She did kiss my forehead...

Then I hear one of the bedroom doors open. And of course. It's Vince.

He walks to the kitchen and sees me on the way.

"Hey man." He says.

"Fuck you." I reply bluntly making him stop in his tracks and look at me in confusion.

I just get up and walk past him to my bedroom, shutting the door and laying down in bed.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now