Chapter 13

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August 7th 1981

Vince's POV

Tommy and I were the only ones home currently, we were dressed in leather, hair teased, and ready for a the photo shoot we had today.

Nikki still wasn't home but we weren't thinking about him at the moment, because I had just told Tommy about last night.

"I can't fuckin' believe it." Tommy says with a laugh.

I laugh in response.

"Sure ya can. I'm irresistible to the ladies." I joke, Tommy scoffs before standing up to walk over to his room.

Just then the door swings open.

And there's the devil himself.

"Hey Nik." I say unenthusiastically, showing I'm still clearly pissed at him.

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Looks like your mood changed quite a bit." Tommy says with the same tone as me as he walks back into the room.

"Yeah well, things seem to be looking up." He smiles again.

"Oh yeah? You done having hissy fits and being a dick to your friends then." I say boldly, giving Nikki a glare.

Tommy's eyes widen, and he takes a small step back, not wanting to be involved in whatever whatever was about to happen.

To my surprise, Nikki doesn't lunge forward to throw me to the ground and beat the shit outta me, instead he looks down at his feet.

"Look... I'm... I'm sorry guys. I've been a fuckin dick and... it's not your fault." He says, looking up at us.

We look at him for a second, not really being able to process the fact that Nikki Sixx was actually apologizing.

"I've felt like shit lately and... I've just been taking out my anger on you guys and I'm really sorry." He says looking back down.

"You really mean that, Nikki?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah I do. I love you guys." He says stepping forward pulling us both into a hug which we return.

"Love you too man" Tommy and I both respond.

I pat Nikki's back as we pull away from the hug and I look at him seriously for a second.

"You know the person you really should apologize to is Y/N" I say.

"Oh.... right.." he says looking back down and bringing his hand to the back of his neck.

"I'll talk to her when she gets home."

"Good" I respond.

"Well, now that that's all sorted, you two suckers owe me 200 hundred bucks." I say with a clap and a smile.

Nikki has a shocked look on his face and Tommy laughs.

"You didn't." Nikki says, he looks a bit upset, but I brush it off.

"Oh, but I did. You can ask her yourself, now pay up." I tease

Tommy reaches into his pocket grabbing his wallet and handing me a stack of money, Nikki goes to do the same but keeps looking through his wallet.

"Uh.... sorry man I uh.. spent all my money last night." He admits.

"On what? Did u go to a strip club or something?" I ask

"No I actually went to some club, and I uh... met this girl"

"Oohhhhh" Tommy and I both interrupt.

"That's why you were all smiley when you walked in."

"Maybe." He says.

"As soon as you get a hundred it's mine Sixx."  I say pointing at Nikki before shoving the money Tommy gave me into my pocket.

"We're gonna be late dudes we got a photo shoot in 30 minutes. Tommy chimes in.

"Nikki, get changed you look like hell."

"Alright, alright."



Once my day of work was finished I hop in my car, twisting my key with sigh, knowing my day is finally over and I can just go home and relax.
As I drive home my mind begins to wander, I think about the event of yesterday, with Nikki's outburst, my crying, and then sleeping with Vince.

This morning felt so strange.

I woke up next to Vince, hungover and naked, which was very unlike me. I'm not the kind of girl to sleep with a guy I'm not in a relationship with. I've never had a "one night stand" before.

But this morning when Vince kisses me... it felt like maybe there was something there. Though I knew we only had sex because the both of us were drunk and lonely last night, and Vince probably thought of me as just another to add to his list, I feel deep deep down that he might feel the same thing I felt this morning....


Nikki's POV

"I'm hooommeee." I hear Y/N say on a song song voice as the door opens.

I stand up from my place on the couch, turning around to face her, her smile fading, face dropping into a slightly upset, slightly shocked expression as she sees me.

I look down at my feet, awkwardly shoving my hands into the pockets of my black jeans as she clears her throat, filling the horribly awkward silence, us both clearly replaying yesterday's events in our minds.

"Hey, Nikki.... um... where's Vince and Tommy?" She asks softly, dropping her car keys onto the small table next to the door.

"Oh they uh, went to go pick up some dinner." I respond.

"Oh." She says, then looking down at her hands, thumbs knitting together. She bit her lip and stood still. Waiting for the conversation to continue, but clearly not knowing what to say next.

"Look I... I really need to apologize... I blew up at you yesterday for no reason. It was a really fuckin shitty thing to do." I blurt out, watching her wrap her arms across her body, looking back up at me, but staying far away from me, by the doorway.

"It was a shitty thing to do." She agrees.

I look down on guilt.

"I know..... but I really am sorry." I say looking back up.

It takes her a few seconds of silence before she begins walking toward me.

"I forgive you Nikki." She says softly, standing a bit closer so we're no longer talking from across the room.

"Really?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course." She replies with a smile.

"I couldn't stay mad at you." She flashes a bright smile which I return, moving in to hug me.

She wraps her arms around me, and mine quickly wrap around her waist, meeting near the small of her back.

She squeezes me tightly.

"I love you Nikki." She says sweetly. My breath hitches and my heart begins to race.


"I- I love you too." I force out a shaky reply.

She pulls away from the hug to look me in the eyes...

Fuck fuck fuck

"Are you okay, Nik?" She asks, brows furrowing one concern.

I open my mouth to respond, but just then Vince and Tommy burst through the door.

"WE HAVE DINNER FUCKERS!" Tommy yells, causing Y/N to turn around to face the door, seeing them carry in boxes of Pizza, laughing at Tommy's loud remark.

Saved by the idiot

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now