Ch 1

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Y/N pov: 


I groan smacking my alarm clock and break it in the process. 

'Well shit' I think while throwing my nice warm blanket off of me and get off my bed to be welcomed by the cold wood floor in my bedroom. I move towards my dresser almost tripping on my own two feet. I grab some comfy shorts, a black short-sleeved shirt that has a rose in the center and walk into my bathroom to take a nice shower and get dressed for today.

(Time skip)

I was now in the kitchen making cinnamon toast and grabbing some milk. after a while, I finish my food and milk and put on my shoes, and head out. Since it's Saturday and I'm not busy I'm going to the cat shelter to help out a little bit. The shelter isn't too far from here it's about 15ish minutes away walking there. while I was walking to the shelter a bunch of people was at the park enjoying the weather, it late February and it's usually not cold where I live which is nice since I hate the cold.

I finally make it to the shelter and walk to see my bright pink hair friend Michael. Unlike me, Michael tries his best to get out of the house every day.

"Y/N you here! It's great to see you again," Michael welcomes me while leaning on the counter and smiles. "So what do you want to do today? there isn't anything needed to be done" Michael starts, "you could hang out with the cats that are out at the moment if you like."

"Mmmm that sounds nice, well see ya soon Michael!" I yell over my shoulder to find some cats wandering around the shelter. Walking around the cozy shelter I end up in the lounge area where people just come and sit and relax with the cats. No one was in this part of the shelter at the moment so I sat down on the cozy blue couch and relaxed while watching the kittens play with each other. I laugh when they end up wrestling with an adult cat and see the cat get annoyed. 

After a while I see one cat with long black fur and a scar under one of their eyes. he walks up to the couch I'm sitting at and sleeps on the couch not even minding me at all. While he was sleeping I could see their caller with his name on it. After reading it  I found our HIS name was Aizawa. He was a very handsome cat, I pull up my phone from my pocket and go onto the shelter's website to see Aizawa's profile on the website. 

I do end up finding his profile on the website. About half of the photos of him are just him sleeping; he does seem like a lazy cat. but when he's not sleeping there are photos of him looking out the window or glaring at the camera. I look to see how long he's been in the shelter, and he's only been in here for two weeks. Which isn't very long. I look at Aizawa sleeping on the couch and slowly move my hand to pet him; when I do pet him he stiffens opens one eye and goes back to sleep while purring. 

He's a very soft cat his fur is silky smooth but a little fluffy towards his ears and tail. As I continue to read his profile Micheal walks in.

"Hey Y/N I see you've made a friend," Micheal states looking at Aizawa, "Aizawa isn't the most friendly or loving cat here, I'm just surprised he's letting you pet him." 

"Oh is that so?" I mutter out looking at Aizawa, "Micheal," I start off while looking at Micheal, "I think I want to adopt," I finish saying while smiling towards the end.

"Wait, really?! You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that, is it Aizawa?" Micheal saying while smiling oh so wide.

"You guessed it," I giggle while I stand up and slowly grab Aizawa, not waking him up. We then walk to the counter I pill the adoption papers for Aizawa while Micheal goes to grab a carrier and items that ill need. I sigh and look at the half-asleep cat sitting on the counter staring at me. "Well this will be fun," I say to myself while finishing the paperwork. Micheal walls in with the items I need and i pay and head home with my new buddy Aizawa.


Hey I hope you guys are liking this, I wanted to try a newer approach and try to make a longer CH than I usually do; but have a great day!!

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