Ch 2

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Y/N pov:

It's been about three weeks since I've brought Aizawa home, and it seems like he likes it here. He'll come into my office and watch me do my work, and he helps me with my stress when a customer is being rude. Aizawa also likes it when I make him food, usually cooked salmon no herbs or anything. He's also a very smart cat, he doesn't cause problems he mostly sleeps which isn't surprising. 

Right now I'm eating some food with Aizawa who is eating salmon, he sits on the counter and eats while I sit at the table and eat. Once I'm done eating I take my place to the sick and place it in there for now. I go back to the couch and turn on the tv and flip through the channels to see what on since Spongebob isn't on. I end watching the news to see a huge house is on fire and people are trapped inside. In the end, no one made it out, but a single cat.

My phone then rings and it Micheal saying it's an emergency that a cat needs medical help and that the cat needs somewhere to stay. 

I think run to the door rushing to put on my shoes while listening to Micheal on the phone for information about the new cat. "Aizawa I'll be back its an emergency!" I yell running out the door and down the stairs, then out of the building to the cat shelter.

(Time skip)

Once I make it to the shelter I see Micheal holding the cat away from some people yelling at them, "No stay back! You're not going to kill him, I already have someone coming for him!" Micheal yells while holding a cat covered in bandages. 

"Micheal I'm here I came as fast as I could!" I pant out while walking to him. Everyone looks my way, I look at the cat in Micheal's arms, Micheal gives me the cat and starts talking to the people that were trying to take the cat.

"Y/N you can home ill send you the medication for him, by the way, his name Dabi," Micheal says without looking my way.

"Okay bye Micheal," I say walking back to my house trying not to disturb the cat.

Dabi pov:

I wake up on something comfy I look around everything looks so nice. 'Am I in heaven?' I think looking around more, and try to stand up, keyword try, I end up falling back down what seems to be a couch. I hear footsteps and see an angel, she's very what's the word, hot. I didn't think angels would be so hot. I then feel something touch my head, I stiffen up and hear a giggle I see the girl laughing while petting me. It felt so nice, it's a lot better than getting my fur pulling, and getting hit.

I feel a glare from somewhere I look around and see a long black-furred cat glaring at me, jealous much? I try to smirk (how does a cat smirk?) but feel pain shoot through me; which led to the other cat smirking and starts to walk over here. 

"Aizawa meet our guest his name is Dabi, be careful with him, he's injured from a recent fire," The angel says to the old cat removing her hand off of my head and pets his head. She then leaves the room and leaves me with this ugly old cat. I look at him with a glare and he just glares back and doesn't even blink, creepy I look away to try and fall asleep. 

Y/N pov:

I was in my office once again working on a new outfit, which ended up being a wedding dress, which also means a lot of money. I play music while working humming to the music, I get a little into it and trip, over my own fucking feet. "S-shit," I mutter out holding my nose and looking on my floor to see new blood. I run to the kitchen not tripping over anything, and grab a medkit. I open it and grab a tissue and bandage for my nose,  I also grab an ice bag and put it on my knee since it hurts a lot. 

"Meow?" I hear looking up on the counter to see Aizawa tilting his head my way. "Don't worry Aizawa I'm fine just tripped while working. I say working to grab something to clean the blood on the floor in the office.

After cleaning the mess I go to the couch and sit down and turn on the TV to watch something. I end up watching a murder case show. "That's so stupid you could just probably put I lie detector on them and ask them if they did it," I say to myself. I feel something lay on my lap and see it's Dabi, poor thing could barely move due to him doing in pain. I place the still cold icepack onto the arm of the couch and pick up Dabi and lay down on the couch with him on the stomach, he purrs a little but not much, and falls asleep to me petting him.

I look over and see Aizawa looking this way in what seems jealousy, I giggle a little and pat the side by me for him to come and lay with me. He hops off the window seel and walking over hopping onto the couch but doesn't lay by me, no he sits on my chest and licks my forehead. and lays down and sleeps. After a while, I end up falling asleep with two cats sleep purring on me.

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