Ch 10

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Aizawa POV:

"Y/N when are you going to be done with work?" I ask while looking over said girl's shoulder.

"Soon, let me just Finnish quickly," Y/N answers while concentrating on the screen of her computer.

I sigh and look at her, she looks a lot more tired and worn out. She's been getting more requests this week, and she's been staying up late to finish them since we are moving soon.

While looking at her; her phone rang. She answers it after she looked at the name.

She happily greets them and asks how they are doing.

"Hey, mom! How are you and dad doing?" Y/N asks. She must be happy to hear from her mom, they usually don't call them.

"Oh yeah, I remember great grandma Sally, why? Oh...that's sad may she have a safe trip to heaven..."

Did her grandma pass away not too long ago?

"Wait, you're telling me she passed her farm to me?" Y/N looked supposed and excited.

Farm? Wait passed down, does that mean that we'll move somewhere else, not somewhere in the city but on a farm?

"Omg, I'll have to tell the owner of the house I was going to buy and tell him I can't live there anymore!" Y/N happily says, "thank you mom love you and dad very much!" She hangs up.

She then dialed someone else, who I think that was the old house owner thingy, and tells them that they are no longer interested in the house.

She then turns to me and jumps on me giving me a hug.

"Aizawa we are going to live on my grandma's old farm! I haven't seen it since I was little!" She squeals out.

"That's nice Y/N, why don't you go tell Dabi hm?" I respond looking down at her.

"Good idea Aizawa see ya in a little bit!" Y/N says while skipping to the living room to tell Dabi of the GREAT news.


"So you're telling me she's now moving out of the city with Deku?!" I growl out at everyone. They all nodded most of them looked away. "Shit when the fuck is Allmight coming back to the alleyway?" I ask the extras.

"Dark Shadow says about 2 days at most," Bird Brain answers while looking towards the so-called Dark Shadow.

"Okay our plan is still ago extras, it's just going to be a longer trip this time," I looked at them seeing if anyone dares argue with me, "since we are in an agreement everyone can go back to whatever you extras do." With that our "meeting" was over. For the love of God, how did shitty Deku get in this mess? It's like he just walked in and get captured...

Mina POV:

"Sero when do you think we will get Deku back?" I ask.

"Hopefully soon, it's taken a toll on everybody including Bakugou," Sero answers back.

"We'll see you tomorrow Sero I'm going to train and practice on my running and climbing!"

"Okay see you tomorrow, be safe!" Sero yells while I run off to the park.

??? POV:

"Master why are the humans taking out the old humans house?" I ask looking up at where he's sitting.

"Well she died and from what I heard from the other humans it that the older one's great grandchild is moving here," Master says looking at the house.

I sigh and claw at the ground.

"But I have a good feeling about them," Master continues. Huh? "I feel like they are going to make this place more exciting," he turns my way, then walks off.

I sigh once again thinking, "we will see master."


Welp there's the chapter! IDC if it's not the best but at least I showed some new characters. And thank you guys for the love I appreciate it! Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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