Ch 11

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"Okay has everyone made a list of what they want?" I yell from my room.

"YES, NO NOT YET, ALMOST!" I hear three voices yell from the mostly packed up room. Yes three voices, Izuku also turned out to be a neko and was scared to show himself apparently; Therefore he was surprised when I gave him a hug. When Izuku showed himself I decided that I should let them buy things for the new house that they like, including clothes.

"Okay, Aizawa, can you show me the list of things you want so I can look for them and buy them?" I politely ask.

"Mmm yea here, I'm going to go take a nap, night," Aizawa says with a yawn before turning into a cat and going to my room.

Let's see what he wants... Sleeping bag (yellow), long scarves, juice boxes? And lemon cake? What? Aizawa, you need things for the new house, not whatever this is... ill just get him things.

"Y/N, could you help me?" I hear Izuku call for me.

"Sure, hold on let me grab my computer," I respond while grabbing my computer, "okay I'm here what's up?"

"Well I need help with clothes, and um things for the house," 

"I can help with that, okay what size are you for your clothes, ill just find you some that I think would suit you for the farm," I respond while looking up some once clothes for Izuku.

After adding cloths for Izuku and Aizawa and other things I look up from the couch that I am currently sittly on and see Dabi laying on the ground lightly snoring. Sighing and stand up and see the list of items he want/needs.

There is; boots, jeans, sweatshirt, long and short sleeve shirts, gloves both fingerless and non fingerless, long socks, pocket knife, and sunglasses? Wow, to be honest I think he is the most prepared for living on a farm. Wait there's more on the back?

Housing items? okay... Huge black blankets, two pillows, black curtains, alarmclock, and books. Okay I think I could get this stuff. Now to buy this stuff, RIP my money...

30 minets later-

Finnaly done buying all that stuff, not to sell mu furneture since I don't need them in the new house. First the couch then everything else in the livingroom, then diningroom, and bedrooms.

3 hours later-

"You know what fuck this I'm finally done and tired as fuckkkkk!" I groan out while laying on my now old bed.

"Heh, sucks to suck, now that your sleepy I want cuddles," I hear a tired voice come from the doorway.

Looking up I see Dabi leaning against the doorway looking very tired, "What the hell did you do to make you oh so very tired sir bacon bits?"

"Sir Bacon Bits?" Dabi asks while tilts his head and smirking, "Well dollface I've been cleaning, oh so surprising, but I cleaned all the plates before putting them in the boxes, now cuddles." He then proceeded to jump on my bed and hog all of my fluffy blankets.

"DABI! These are mine not back off!" I growl out while tugging at my blankets turning to take them back, and successfully did so.

"Fine if I can't have the blankets then I guess ill just take you also!" and out of nowhere he grabs me and my blankets and pulls me into a hug.

"Dabi! I can't move let meh go!" I skreech out at him.

"Good," he comments and falls asleep.



You mother fucker, get you crusty ass self away from here!


OOF this wasn't that good but at least I updated again after so long, sorry it took forever I didn't have any ideas of what to do after CH 10, but now I know what I'm doing again. Hope yall have a good day/afternoon/night!

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